I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm a Christian.

this guy can't be serious. To think, he runs one of the largest states in the country.
I've never seen a Youtube video with 120k dislikes 
How brave of Rick Perry.

It takes SO much courage to speak out in a country that is 75%-80% christian. 

I can only imagine how hard it was for him. 


This nation is NOT a christian nation. It is a secular nation. 

But you know what, I'm not even mad at Rick Perry. 

Its you all i'm mad at. 

Its the moderate, fence-riding, pick-and-choose, wannabe religious-only-on-sunday people that are to blame for this. 

You cafeteria christians and muslims and whatever else you all are. 

I blame you "i'm not religious but I believe in god" people.

I blame you "I believe in a higher power but not religion" people

I blame anyone who believes in any deity/god/karma/metaphysical/spiritual crap that they can't figure out better answers for. 


Think about it...EVERYONE thinks Rick Perry is crazy with this video...but no one is willing to call him out for still being a bible thumper because they believe some of that crazy crap themselves!

We all see the wild and boisterous street preachers of different faiths and ideologies blasting their message to anyone passing by and what does everyone think? 

They look at them crazy, they tell them to shut up, they ignore them and most importantly, they don't think that they associate with that "crazy" person...

but most of those same people don't have the common sense to see that they still believe in much of the things that "crazy" person does but they just dont want to be associated with something everyone else looks down upon.

CALL THESE PEOPLE OUT. If they really believed it, they'd be supporting that random person on the soap box.

We need to nip ALL picking and choosing in the bud.

There is not middle ground here. You either support what hes saying or you dont.

I actually respect Rick Perry because hes consistent. He at least tries to follow whats in the book. The rest of the "liberal" christians love to tailor their own superstitions to their own flavor. Hes like those fundamentalists muslims or orthodox jews. At least they TRY to live by the word. I can respect that more than the flavor of the day joke topic. Cafeteria christians as they say.

Its funny to make fun of Rick Perry but how many of those same people would get offended if Barack came out swinging as an atheist? How many of those same people cling to their own version of those SAME delusions but don't have the sense to see that Perry represents anyone who claims to be a christian.

Twitter and other social media sites are blowing up over this but really, where will this lead? 

No one is going to address the underlying problem here. Religion itself. Its not rick perry's fault. Its OUR fault for making it seem appropriate for him to pander to that sort of audience. We MUST use this as a stepping stone to challenge this sort of ideology.

I hope that secular people and nonbelievers use this as a chance to really start calling people out on this crap. 

Show them that in the christian world, rick perry is actually a normal person. If you disagree that much with him, how can you call yourself a christian?

Don't back down and start pushing the issue. I'm thankful that lunatics like the current GOP field of candidates is promoting more people to look critically into debunking religion but its time we push the issue over the ledge.

Rick Perry is a government prostitute. He will bend over to do WHATEVER it takes to get ahead. If atheists or muslims or wizards polled near the top of the charts tomorrow, I guarantee you that 100% of congressional religion/ideology identification would change TOMORROW. People are too stupid to realize that THEY DONT CARE ABOUT YOU. 

In Rick Perry's world the only people that exist are White, Male, Christians, Conservatives. 

I hope you all are scared because its only going to get worse...I've been seeing it for some time now and its going to get a lot more confrontational...there will be an ideological battle between secularism and religious people in the near future and I hope you all are ready. I'm 100% serious about that too. The tide is shifting in developed nations towards getting rid of religion bit by bit...but its not going to fade away without a fight. 

Secular pressure modernizes religious morality. Ask yourself why we don't have slaves, women have rights, and why you don't follow the other innate rules of your former religious text. Without a developed society that understands ethics and develops more refined moral codes, we can't succeed. Each time society DOES however come up with better ways to treat its citizens, religion is forced to adapt. The box that god exists in gets smaller and smaller each day...but don't take my word for it, see for yourself. 

These people are literally months away from being in charge of our military, economy and way of life...and these are people you might consider? Anti-science? Anti-equality? Anti-constitutionality?

I won't tell you who to vote for, but most of these people might not even graduate high-school if we adopted their stance on reality. 



Originally Posted by kix4kix

Who cares, honestly.
Native Americans





and everyone else who isn't a christian.

Its like asking who cares that black people can't use the same restrooms as the white people or ride in the front of the bus. Its not my problem. 

that was wild.

____ ____. wow. relax b. i dont want the wrath of your typin skills.
His act is already tired
Over there sweating with 20 tabs open trying to get his "point" across..

..like, we know your stance already.
Say what you want, but he has a point. Even if you disagree with him, cracking jokes on his "wall of text" doesn't do anything for you. brb for a reply sillyputty.
Originally Posted by NikeAirForce1

wow. you guys suck at recognizing sarcasm. and can't y'all see my sig?

So with the sig, what angle you hitting? If there is a God, why doesn't he look out for you?
I believe there is a God, but I don't really say I'm a Christian anymore...really I'm not all that religious anymore, more spiritual than religious if that makes any sense.
A lot of these religious leaders make me sick.
Originally Posted by omgitswes

I believe there is a God, but I don't really say I'm a Christian anymore...really I'm not all that religious anymore, more spiritual than religious if that makes any sense.
A lot of these religious leaders make me sick.

It makes sense. They're kinda one in the same though but I get you. A lot of these so called leaders are doing damage to to the cause. Eddie Long comes to mind.
Originally Posted by omgitswes

I believe there is a God, but I don't really say I'm a Christian anymore...really I'm not all that religious anymore, more spiritual than religious if that makes any sense.
A lot of these religious leaders make me sick.

Exactly the person I'm fed up with.

Its your fault Rick Perry made this message.

The "i'm spiritual, i'm not religious" crowd annoy the hell out of me in the context of this Rick Perry ad. 

Stop being a moderate because at some basic level, you share the same amount of beliefs as this guy but you dont want to be seen as crazy too so you flip your own beliefs to make sure you fly under the radar. 

You want the benefits of social status by admitting you belief in a god but don't want to align yourself with the stigma attached to following certain dogma like christianity

On top of that, your entire position is flawed. 

If you believe in some higher power, the only way you can do that is with the context and framework given to you by your prior religious experience. You might not be a christian, but your context of god or that higher power exists in a christian context. 

Everything god does, how god acts, how god intercedes, what god is/is not responsible for is in the context of your experience with the christian god. 

You believe god is coming back? You're a christian. You believe in what jesus said? You're a christian. You believe in any bible stories over other religious traditions? You're a christian

You can't run and hide when opinion of you all isn't too hot. Stand up and admit that you're in the SAME boat as Rick Perry. 

You dont think god lives in trees do you? Of course not so you're NOT a pantheist.  

You don't believe in zeus, thor, or odin do you? You're not a polytheist are you?  No. So those are other gods you don't believe in. 

You follow a god figure that is sculpted by your experience with christianity. You take what you want and leave the rest.

Cafeteria Christian.

Its religious moderates (LIKE YOU) that make it OK for Rick Perry to spew this crap. 

Religious moderates (LIKE YOU) ALWAYS fuel extremists and fundamentalists because they can operate with impunity by pointing to people like you as supporters. 

Stop sitting on the fence and pick a side.

You're smart enough to know that this is the most flagrant video a candidate has made but are scared enough to call it what it is. Its complete and utter insanity. 

Its time for ya'll to grow up. Its not fair that non-believers have to hold their breath around everyone else because we're scared of hurting your feelings. And when we do, THIS is what happens. 
A scientific mind with borders and parameters will never understand spiritual faith.

One if finite and the other is infinite.

Sillyputty you do realize that it is you that make all of the threads bashing religion/faith right? We don't come to you.

I like the option of standing in the middle myself...it allows me to make my own religion, in my own contexts, with my own rules. Sorry for not being partisan
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by omgitswes

I believe there is a God, but I don't really say I'm a Christian anymore...really I'm not all that religious anymore, more spiritual than religious if that makes any sense.
A lot of these religious leaders make me sick.

I'm supposed to change how I feel because it bothers you?
What benefits do I get for saying that?
Christians aren't the only ones that believe in a higher power....just because I do doesn't mean I agree with everything from Christianity believe in.
I'm not sitting on any fence, and I did pick a side.

You really don't know as much as you think you do
i can't see the video at work so i dont know what's being said but im a Christian and proud. That's all i have to say about that
Since when do pantheist believe god is a tree? Better put god into quotes. We don't believe in any super natural deities, do we? Tell me what we believe Silly putty.
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