I'm still trying to figure out why Columbus Day is a National Holiday.

Florida doesnt celebrate it, actually Florida doesn't celebrate MANY holidays like up North................Got these kids in school all day and they still dont pick up anything............SMH

Columbus never even touched N. America but he gets credit for discovering it? What a world................
Originally Posted by ElijahBrohammed

It didn't take long for Essential to bash the right. His day isn't complete without it.

I'm finally putting him on ignore.

Yes.... Because when a person bashes liberals it's all good right...... Not even on an educated tip, on some $%+*#@%$ nonsense uneducated nuance position........ So I'm a %%+*++$ for addressing it... But the original nonsense was perfectly fine because it was bashing liberals...

Hypocrite much.........

The right is allowed to bash the liberal day in day out but when a liberal defends themselves and call them out on their $%+*#@%$, they are told they are "right-wing bashing" and keep it civil
Who wants to end Social Security (even though it has ran $2 trillion surplus and will pay 100% of benefits until 2037, and will be able to pay 78% of benefits until 2081, when it then finally runs a deficit... And all its problems of money are caused by pillaging its surplus for silly +#+* like tax cuts and war)... Who wants to end Medicare/Medicaid....  Exactly................ Not liberals

We come to a paradox...

The level of the production you would to sustain the Welfare State cannot be sustained by the Welfare State. It is maintained through dissolving living standards, a depleted currency, and never ending borrowing and debt.

Only the Paul Krugmans and Robert Riechs of the world can come up with as much chicanery as those numbers are. The United States is currently $13,000,000,000,000.00 in debt, Social Security is currently running a $110,000,000,000,000.00 in unfunded liabilities. When you are that much in debt, you never run a surplus of anything.
Originally Posted by rashi

Who wants to end Social Security (even though it has ran $2 trillion surplus and will pay 100% of benefits until 2037, and will be able to pay 78% of benefits until 2081, when it then finally runs a deficit... And all its problems of money are caused by pillaging its surplus for silly +#+* like tax cuts and war)... Who wants to end Medicare/Medicaid....  Exactly................ Not liberals

We come to a paradox...

The level of the production you would to sustain the Welfare State cannot be sustained by the Welfare State. It is maintained through dissolving living standards, a depleted currency, and never ending borrowing and debt.

Only the Paul Krugmans and Robert Riechs of the world can come up with as much chicanery as those numbers are. The United States is currently $13,000,000,000,000.00 in debt, Social Security is currently running a $110,000,000,000,000.00 in unfunded liabilities. When you are that much in debt, you never run a surplus of anything.


I'm just saying....

I understand the point you are making... And in the grand scheme of things you are right.... 

But it doesn't run a deficit... It runs a surplus... If I can pay something for 150year before I lose money it is a pretty efficient.

Only thing not efficient is when they take from the trust fund by the billions and then claim the money is not there because the program sucks, when that is not the reality...
Originally Posted by Ruxxx

Originally Posted by Master Zik

It's the American way. If you can't figure out that then you'll never be able to figure out what this country is really about.
if you are reffering to how this country was built of thievery, slaughter, deception and greed then yeah I get it
. Gooooooo COLUMBUS!!!! queue music.....AMERICA!!!! F_YEAH!!!!

K2theAblaM wrote:
Essential1 wrote:
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

Essential1 wrote:
Originally Posted by Budweiser

blackngold1z wrote:
yet another reason to hate fdr
Impossible. Liberals have never done anything wrong, ever.
Because Liberals defend internment camps...... #*@!

If by "liberal" you mean of the left wing, well yes, your people did support internment camps. When you decide to give government a lot of power, entire groups of people in your society will get crushed. If you, like many "progressives" or "liberals" (or what ever name you hide your left wing authoritarian thoughts behind) believe that society's problems can be solved by giving enough power to enough 'experts" in Washington, individuals and entire groups with your society will get crushed and the reason is because government is simply a blunt instrument that exists to exercise, violent and coercive powers over others. When you decide that all or most problems can be solved by the blunt instrument of state power, politically powerless groups and individuals will eventually have their property, liberty and lives taken from then by the omnipotent state.

Absolute nonsense......

Just like when these "Washington Experts" who took the liberal position of deregulating Wall Street, the Banks, and Big Business in the 1980s, late 1990s, and more than ever in the 2000's  (btw that is not a liberal position, seeing as how you wouldn't know what one is if it slapped you in the face) and the entire working class got as you call it got "crushed"...

Also riddle me this batman, look at Washington now... Look at how corrupt it is... The Supreme Court Ruling that established Corporations are Individuals and are allowed to pump as much money as they want into elections, was voted in favor by the Conservative Justices and more liberal justices voted against... The topic of Campaign  Finance is only touched by Liberals in DC right now, Conservatives won't even get 10 feet near it....  Wall Street/Banking Reform, Liberals wanted to make regulations to protect consumers, Republicans wanted to ease regulations more (as if we haven't already seen the result of it)... Who tried to end corporate loopholes for taxes, and who tried to end tax cuts to companies shipping jobs overseas? Liberals.........When Liberal tried to pass a health care bill to anyone who became sick as a direct result of 9/11 it took us TWO TIMES TO PASS IT... Still only getting 17 Republicans to agree with it... When it came to giving tax cuts to Small businesses to get them to hire people, who filibustered it, you got it Conservatives... When Liberals tried to reign in Health Insurance Company malpractices, who actually tried to pass the legislation? And who at every turn, watered it down with obstructionism, and fear mongering, to a bill that is similar to Bob Dole's proposal in 1994, and which most people assume the large core will not work...

When Liberals try to allow gays to openly serve in the military, or allow them to get similar benefits as any other couple, or tries to give them the ability to get married, who gets in the way? Conservatives....  Who typically feels women shouldn't have the right to an abortion? Conservatives....

Who wants to end Social Security (even though it has ran $2 trillion surplus and will pay 100% of benefits until 2037, and will be able to pay 78% of benefits until 2081, when it then finally runs a deficit... And all its problems of money are caused by pillaging its surplus for silly +#+* like tax cuts and war)... Who wants to end Medicare/Medicaid....  Exactly................ Not liberals

Sounds like we want to oppress people doesn't it...


The irony of rex's post purplexes me.

Can you tell me what is ironic about my post?

Essential is not yet mature enough to understand that "liberal" and "leftist" are not the same thing, but I thought that you would be discerning enough. The authoritarian left has hijacked the word "liberal" from people like myself and I not going to let them forget it.

Double Post

Although I think I will use it to address Essential's boiler plate hysteria about the Citizen's United case. No group should be restricted from engaging in free speech (so long as it does not present a direct threat).

The any group or entity should be allowed to buy as much air time as they would like. Campaign finance is nothing more than scheme for incumbents to rig the game in their favor. Incumbents have name recognition, they can get face time on sympathetic media outlets, they can robo call (they exempted themselves from their own "do not call list"), they can take tax payer funded junkets from DC to their districts for Town Hall meetings, they can send out "information" and it is paid for by tax payers and they can "buy" elections by using earmarks and other goodies for the "folks back home," as this recent orgy of Congressional earmarks and "emergency" funding demonstrated. The political elites simply do not like the idea that people could use money to counter their built in advantages.

The First Amendment guarantees the right to free speech and rights are rights and should not be suspended simply because the topic happens to be an election or the speech being rendered, about the election, is "too close" to election day. The Bill of Rights applies to more than just homosexuals, suspected terrorists and other mascots of the left.

Wow, a macro, that is your crappy retort. I suppose that Keith and Rachel have not given you a decent response to regurgitate yet.
Speaking of Citizens United, where was the outcry over foreign financial contributions to elections when Bill Clinton sold nuclear military secrets in exchange for campaign cash from the Chinese?
Rex why should I have bothered giving you a completely dignified response?? In the past year and some change, you've gone from a reasonable Libertarian with some, to the town crier, spewing nonsense rhetoric, complaining about a definition of a term that was outdated over 100 years ago... Just like Republicans used to be the big tent party, and the Democrats used to be white Southern Obstructionists... It is no longer that way... And even then your term of liberalism and the term liberal today are not much different... But you are not mature enough to understand what a liberal today actually gives a damn about...Too busy trying to somehow make inroads of comparing liberals with Fascists... But does the "change" of term "liberal" really make you that upset? If it does you are really more nonsensical than imagined...

I'll give you the short hand response, so you can keep up..

As for your authoritarian left comment, that is no different than the same made up conspiracy crap Glenn Beck spews, the "we want to control your soul" "we know best for you" "we want to change America's value" "we want to indoctrinate the children"... I know plenty of liberals, I've mixed up in plenty liberal political circles, we could give a damn less what you do in your own home, and personal life.... Unlike the opposite end of the spectrum where we feel government is necessary is to prevent as much injustice as possible in a largely unjust world, and actually police capitalism because when capitalism runs amok the only one who wins are those with the office high enough to look down on all the little people.. But your synopsis of liberals and economics and capitalism is a paragraph deep of Bold Italic Times New Roman All Caps on 36pt font, saying we want to get rid of economic freedom....

But fyi Corporations =/= Individuals...You like to assert you are a man of history, tell me where the founding fathers would come out on this..Don't even for one second assert they would want this nonsense ruling because you know better than that...... But I love how you group campaign finance as a ploy by incumbents to keep seats... Liberal Democrat Conservative Republican I don't want any of them beholden to any corporation through money corporations funneled to their campaign whether it be Barack Obama, John McCain, George Bush, Bill Clinton, whoever.. But let me just take a walk on the "incumbent ploy" if that was so then Incumbent republicans would be arguing for it too.... wouldn't they??? If you can't see the disaster in allowing corporations (domestic & foreign) with untold sums of money (far more than individual citizens could put up) then your political awareness is slim..
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

double post, but not one to pad my post count, I have a response/edit forthcoming.

My man just posted warning us he's posting later

For the record you can't pad your post count with a double post.

It only counts as one.

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