I'm stumped on this one...Is it a trap?

Originally Posted by NomadicSole21

Just look at the back and the hips, aint no way a man gonna be shaped like that.
i was thinking the same thing except "ain't no way a WOMAN gonna be shaped like that." (s)he has NO natural figure whatsoever; i think when he went in for surgery he told the doc he wanted to look like a coke bott... errr... can. hands and knuckles are waaaay too masculine. and besides all that she's got all this jewelry, the pink wall; basically doing everything possible to reinforce the female vibe. everything that can be easily fixed w/silicone is extremely feminine. everything that can't is clearly masculine. </case>
who makes these vids
Originally Posted by TacC4

Originally Posted by NomadicSole21

Just look at the back and the hips, aint no way a man gonna be shaped like that.
i was thinking the same thing except "ain't no way a WOMAN gonna be shaped like that." (s)he has NO natural figure whatsoever; i think when he went in for surgery he told the doc he wanted to look like a coke bott... errr... can. hands and knuckles are waaaay too masculine. and besides all that she's got all this jewelry, the pink wall; basically doing everything possible to reinforce the female vibe. everything that can be easily fixed w/silicone is extremely feminine. everything that can't is clearly masculine. </case>

Where is the coke bottle body? Its body is straight up and down. The lower body part sunder the fake boobs, the body can pass for being masculine.

That's a man?!
I feel sorry for dudes that get caught up. They may never EVER know...

I don't even see an adams apple.
@ modern day science. how they gunna make a man look better then most women is beyond me.
@ all yall complimenting that dude on the first page. I hope yall are the NTers not smashing and just fapping to porn constantly cuz it's obvious you guys would be easy prey. If not it's clear yall would take the bait for the trap so easily.

Wouldn't be surprised if one of yall already have smashed a ****** and wont admit it
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