I'm thinking about quitting....

Originally Posted by Theta

 OP. i used to smoke all the time. few times a day and it was awesome. i did it for food and the music [it was just amazing]. ive stopped smoking and almost instantly my life became more productive. i started going to more classes (almost all of them all the time as of now), ive got some pretty awesome jobs (3 summer internships/summer jobs), awesome gf. basically i just became better at everything i did. I go through some crazy withdrawls randomly (not really withdrawls, just the thought 'wouldnt it be awesome if i smoked and ____'). it took me about a month to start seeing any aspect of my life change though (idk why, first few weeks i was really mellow, first week i was just generally down). the biggest thing is that i dont smoke on occasion. idk why, but it like carries over. as in, the longer im straight, the better i am at whatever i want.

its hella tough if all of your friends smoke. theyll rip on you and just try to get you to take a hit or bong rip or w/e and its just so tough in the beginning. i mean, its not like my life sucked when i smoked, i was hella happy with it. its just that things are immeasurably better now.

anyways, hope this helped. just my story.

Cosign this
I smoked almost daily through HS and college and didn't give a #*%@...

Quit basically out of necessity and got a job in Costa Rica...now everything is better - health, motivation, mental capacity.  People will claim they can smoke and not get lazy but I don't buy it.  I still get urges, and I've probably hit an L like 5 times in the last 12 months and then
no tolerance got me BENT

But hey if you can do it and you're happy with your life
blaze on...rolling up with some friends and going on a multiple L ride with some good tunes = GOAT
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