ImJustJames Artwork

Sep 12, 2012
I design tshirts for a few companies. Figured Id post some of them in here with the sneakers that inspired them.... tell me what u guys think
i think you could put all your work in one post instead of increasing your post count
no but they were for two separate companies.... relax already man.... is it really that big of a deal?
nice work bruh

you can pass one of those shirts this way?:
 thanks man.i think they are both available online (chainsnatchers) and
He's just saying that those two posts showing the designs could've been put in the original post. No biggie.
I just dont understand why he needed to make such a fuss over it.. so i got two extra posts in my post count, is that like cheating or something?  im new to this forum thing am i breaking some rule?
Let OP do his thing. We should welcome all new members with open arms until given a reason otherwise, that's my take.

Well back to the positive, I like the initial designs. Please continue to share.
He's just saying that those two posts showing the designs could've been put in the original post. No biggie.
I just dont understand why he needed to make such a fuss over it.. so i got two extra posts in my post count, is that like cheating or something?  im new to this forum thing am i breaking some rule?
That's him tho. He posts like he has a stick up his ***.

Go rilla, the act is getting mad corny. They're not gonna make you a mod, b. 
^but are the regular members of the forum aka the majority going to help themselves by posting in the correct places, by not posting every idea that pops into their head, by not bringing back old posts with useless replies, by being able to make their own decisions

i think not
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I don't think OP was intending to "increase his post count." I don't think most of us even care about the number next to our message board screen names. Let's let it go and enjoy the artwork.
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