in your opinion what things are 10/10...VOL....i spit my drink out

When that direct deposit hit during vacation time :pimp:

I aint eem work for it b


And although I hate when they mess up my hours....

But retro-pay is DOPE!

Couple weeks ago, they shorted me my 36 hours off overtime for the pay period.

The retroed it to the next paycheck, giving me 72 hours of overtime pay.
Them taxes had to be a 0/10, though.:x

Nah.... When I know I racked up hours like that, I usually change my claim, then change it back.
that mile stretch of Pennsylvania Ave from Freedom Plaza to the Capitol Grounds...

i love walking that route, probably because you just pass so much stuff (Archives, DOJ, Newseum, Canadian embassy, FTC, Navy Memorial, FBI HQ, Reagan Building)
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