INTERNSHIP at Procter and Gamble

Jul 12, 2005
Hey, I have a phone interview for an internship at Procter and Gamble. I was wondering if anyone here had an interview with Procter and Gamble before. Its for the Customer Business Development Internship. I've researched Glassdoor and got a general consensus that it's mostly behavioral questions. Anyone have any tips to do well? I'd really appreciate it. After this second to last interview there's the final one.

If anyone had phone interviews with other companies, that'd help too. Thanks Niketalk.
Something that people tend to overlook is who the interview is with. I had a phone interview  today with someone on the HR staff and it went really well and she liked what I had to say, but when she took her notes too the higher ups they didnt like it, and I didnt get the call in for the in person interview
. Sometimes its all in the hands of the person you phone interview with and sometimes it isnt. Regardless make sure youre on your A game.

I've had several phone interviews with large firms and here are some things that I would advise you do.
-Practice- You might think its easier cause its on the phone but it isnt, if anything its harder cause you cant read the person, you dont want to stutter and use a lot of "ums"
-Sheet of notes-You can have it and they wont know so why not. Put stuff on there like the history of the firm, and what exactly is the position youre interviewing for about
-Try not to over talk. Answer the questions, but dont make it too wordy, from my experience that puts them off.

Prcotor and Gamble is a good company, have you taken the IQ test yet? If so do you think you'll have to?
Hey man, yeah I took the IQ test and the logical reasoning test. I'm assuming I did well on it since they contacted me about this interview. If I get the final interview, I'll have to fly out to their headquarters and take another one there along with the final interview.

I appreciate your input man, it really helps.
IQ test? Is this only for Procter and Gamble or is this something that happens now at interviews?
Originally Posted by brownsuga1

Hey man, yeah I took the IQ test and the logical reasoning test. I'm assuming I did well on it since they contacted me about this interview. If I get the final interview, I'll have to fly out to their headquarters and take another one there along with the final interview.

I appreciate your input man, it really helps.

Good job man. Seriously, cause thats where it stops for a lot of people with P&G. I've actually interviewed with Reckitt Benckiser  which is one of P&Gs main competitors for an analyst position, and was in the process of receiving an offer, which ended up being taken away (terrible day, someone ended up transferring over and taking the spot). I'm not expecting the P&G in person to be much different so if you do get it, one thing you should be focused on is explaining how you would help improve business processes if you get the internship. This can range from anywhere to slightly altering the packaging of a product to seeing if one machine can be used to package more than one product.

Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

IQ test? Is this only for Procter and Gamble or is this something that happens now at interviews?
Only P&G does it to my knowledge.
They just wanna see where ur mind is, and see if ur a crazy person or not. Its getting harder and harder to get a NON-PAYING job now in days.
Appreciate the support and feedback from everyone. I'd really prefer an interview face to face rather than over the phone. Hoping all goes well. My professors and career center services have been a great help.
P&Gs a good company, i know a couple people who interned there and one who got a fulltime job.
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