Is Don Lemon the most influential Uncle Tom in the game right now?

Aug 2, 2006
With Bill Cosby's uncle tom career coming to a close, a new face has emerged to snatch the crown.


We all know theres a lot of money to be made saying bad things about black people on TV, but its wild to me that it's CNN who has the premiere uncle tom in the culture today.

Don Lemon is his name, and at this point can anybody deny that this guy is a straight up textbook edition of uncle tomming? I mean it seems every time their is a problem within the black community this guy comes out to snatch up the publicity by saying negative **** about black people.

DON LEMON: Adrian Peterson ‘Seems More MIA, Than MVP’
Oct 17, 2013
By Don Lemon


[DON LEMON: Adrian Peterson ‘Seems More MIA, Than MVP’]

This Adrian Peterson secret love child beating death story has been really bothering me.

Bothering me obviously because the boy was just two years old and was allegedly beaten to death by his mom’s boyfriend who was not the child’s father.

Bothering me also because the dead boy’s father is Minnesota Vikings star running back Adrian Peterson, an NFL MVP, who appears to be more MIA, than MVP.

The child’s death is certainly tragic. And I feel bad for all of those who loved him. But like many people out there, i’m struggling with how to feel about his dad, Adrian Peterson.

Because, although Peterson allegedly didn’t know definitively that the boy was his until a few months ago. A few months are not a few weeks, not a few days. A few months are a few months. That’s a long time.

Peterson is reported to have said that when he found out, he quote, supercharged his efforts to be a part of the boy’s life.

But within those months, Peterson never met the boy. The boy was never flown to meet him for the weekend. He never flew to meet the boy on one of his days off.

Does that sound like supercharged to you?

Again I’m not judging, I’m just asking.

Peterson didn’t meet the boy until he lay in a hospital bed on life support and now the next time he’ll see him is at his funeral in South Dakota.

Sure, Adrian Peterson is a busy guy with training camp, he’s got games, he travels a lot.

BUT, he’s also a man of means; multi-million dollar contracts and it’s logical to assume that he can afford to bring the child to him if he couldn’t go to the child.

The sad thing is that this little 2-year old boy is not alone.

The cold hard fact is that children of single parents have a 77 percent greater risk of being harmed by physical abuse than children living with both parents. That’s according to the National Incidence Study.

And many kids in a single parent households are physically and or sexually abused by their mother’s boyfriends or acquaintances; the men who come and go who have no connection to the child.

Adrian Peterson, 28-years-old, who by the way is not married, yet according to published reports, may have up to seven children with multiple women.

They are consenting adults and they are free to have as many children as they want, I’m not judging him and I am not judging the adults involved.

But whether they realize it or not, they are responsible for those children’s lives and the trajectory of those children’s lives before they even leave mommy’s body.

And while it is indeed heartbreaking for Adrian and the baby’s mother. imagine the pain that, that child suffered and many like him suffer across the country every single day; even as i speak now because mommy or daddy aren’t present, they don’t know whats going on in their children’s lives.

Parental responsibility is important.

Personal responsibility is key.

Think before you decide to have a child, just because you can have one, it doesn’t mean that you should.

I always say you should plan for a child or stop having them out-of-wedlock.

Don’t take my word for it, the silence of that little 2-year-old boy, the little dead boy, speaks volumes.

Think before you decide to have a child, just because you can have one, it doesn’t mean that you should.

I'm sure this will fix things Don, tell people think I'm sure this will send the statistics of single parent black families to creator.

I always say you should plan for a child or stop having them out-of-wedlock.

ORLY Don I was planning on having a child out of wedlock to a stripper in Atlanta named Sweet Pea then raising the son as a single father in Canada. THATS MY "PLAN", I am PLANNING this.

Don’t take my word for it, the silence of that little 2-year-old boy, the little dead boy, speaks volumes

Thanks Don, once I pull up my pants, and PLAN to have a child in wed-lock all the systemic injustices and prejudices will just evaporate. POOF like that.

Its easier for a white guys with a criminal record to get a job than a black man with a college degree, JUST PULL UP YOUR PANTS AND THEY WILL HIRE YOU.

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I thought we already established thats not eem what "Uncle Tom" even means...
Why is he an Uncle Tom? Why do people use this term still?

Why don't people get chastised more when using the following: "acting white"?
You're not white, Osh?

Nah, Black.

and for all you on Cosby, yes I know my history but NOW in 2013.

EVERYone knows, you need a black person to **** on black people, CALL BILL COSBY.

Calling people No-groes, all this pull up your pants

HE CONSTANTLY is called upon to go in front of white people and **** on black people.

He may not be am Uncle Tom but that is def uncle tom behavior.
i wouldn't take it as him being critical of black people, but being critical of the destruction of the traditional family in America, which I agree with him on.

wasn't the girl white anyway.  
Oh so yall aren't aware of his 5 suggestions for black people?

nah what did I miss this? post it up.

Why is he an Uncle Tom? Why do people use this term still?

Because uncle toms still exist and they deserve to get called out, Don Lemon has raised his profile substantially and gotten a lot of eyeballs on his new cnn show for constatntly saying quite frankly really stupid IRRELEVANT criticisms of hip hop and of black people.

and now this AP story comes out and he conveniently finds away to twist it into another opportunity to scold black people, like really a child is dead and all Don Lemond can do is wag a finger at every black person in america? wut.

The term is not outdated untill we are out of uncle toms.

Why don't people get chastised more when using the following: "acting white"

straw-man fallacy,

people do critisze this, you saw all that flack Bernard Hopkins got for saying that type of stuff about Donavan McNabb,
Won't sidetrack the thread but mind blown.

I'm not familiar with this dude aside from the piece posted in OP but his comments on AP and the whole random kid thing is absurd and just screams give me attention and keep talking.

Really didn't like the way he ended his piece either wth that silence line :smh:
Why don't people get chastised more when using the following: "acting white"?
Because "acting white" is acceptable, and therefore not as derogatory as a comparison to another ethnicity. In fact, having someone tell you that you "act white" can even be intended as a compliment.
Man this ***** prolly smoke Newports and drop more N bombs(with the "A") than Sam Jackson off camera...
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Don Lemon, next time Don Lemon starts talking about gay rights ill just hit em with the,

if gays acted and dressed like a "man" and stopped subverting traditional gender roles maybe then white straight America would treat y'all like a human beings.

just wear wranglers, and a flannel shirts and all homophobia will completely evaporate.
Don't agree with the thread title. But I do think that Don Lemon is as out of touch with his own race than Whites.
I remember back in hs when me and my boy cracked on him for his edgeup lmaooo

dude came up. I aint eemm mad
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