Is golf hard to play?

Jul 20, 2007
I'm about to go play in a few minutes, I'm about to YouTube some stuff, I want to get on the green like I'm Tiger Hoods so any tips?

I really just need to know how to hold and swing and I can go from there.
dog, get drunk or high first. if u really think u are gonna do good your first time, you are in for a huge disappointment.
if this is your first time it is gonna be ugly. the #1 thing you need to remember is keep your head down and eye on the ball *pause*
Is golf hard to play? For me it's not...

But for a beginner like yourself, follow Military IVs advice above. RyanBBn's advice is even more helpful!
I hope you've at least practiced in a driving range because I would hate to be playing behind you on a golf course. If it's your first time, don'teven worry about the shoes.
it is hard. but ive got it down. i used to play poppy hills, spyglass, pacific grove, bayonet and blackhorse etc.. out here in cali by the monterey coast.
its fun though. if its your first time... dont expect much.
It's the hardest sport in the world today. And if you don't want to call it a sport (this is NT), then game.
it's hard because it;s all about form...any slight changes in your arm angle or how high you life you arm or how wide apart your legs are will completelymess up your shot.....
tough, you're in for a treat. Whatever you do, dont go out on the green and act a fool. I hate playing with beginners who arent serious about the game.
Dude...I'm not gonna lie. If you've absolutely never played before in your life, you're gonna have a rough day. Try and have fun and not take itserious, because you'll get frustrated fast. The best info I can give is this....just try to mimic those around you. Watch what they do and try toreplicate it.

Oh, and if you don't have golf shoes, just wear some low top Nike trainers or walking shoes.

Oh, and keep your head down.

Oh, and keep your left arm straight.

Oh, and keep your right elbow in.

I think that's it for now. Good luck and have fun.
You're going to be terrible; golf is undoubtedly the most frustrating sport in the world...

However, it's also the most addicting. My advice would be to just gobout there and try to have fun. Don't focus on swing mechanics too much, that'swhat you do at the range...
Dudes need to stop being critical of the author...

For shoes just wear some beat up running shoes. Don't wear cleats or anything.

There's a lot of small etiquette things that you just have to learn as you go. Just be a sponge and absorb whats going on.
Goto the driving range first... and then go about 100 more times before you hit the course. Seriously... well, maybe not 100, but you get my point. You need tobe able to hit the ball at least 100 yards in the air with a mid-iron before you should step anywhere on the course, imo. Otherwise, you're wasting yourown time and the people trying to play behind you... not to mention, you're going to tear the course apart for others, and golf is a game of etiquette myfriend.

Not trying to be all elitist about it, i'm not great myself.. but you owe it to yourself and the people on the course to at least have a clue about whatyou're doing out there.

Watch some video's of how people swing and try to mimic it... the big thing is aligning yourself properly, getting a comfortable distance away from theball, and not swinging too hard, plus keeping your head down and eyes on the ball the entire way through your swing. You need a little knee flex, you need tomake sure you don't over rotate the club when you bring it back behind you, and make sure you accelerate through the ball, but again, don'toverswing... and make sure you follow through nicely as well, your belt buckle should be facing out towards the way you've hit the ball when you finishyour swing.

But uh, just relax.. and go have some fun at the range, that's the place to goof off and experiment with stuff.. not the course.
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