Is having ambition or lack there of hereditary or is it how someone's raised?


formerly kod843
Aug 1, 2011
I always find it crazy when I see people who are willing to just lie around and let others take care of them instead of going out and doing something with themselves. Discuss
Interesting question. I would tend to think its learned behavior. My brother and I grew up in separate households. Same genes, much different outlook on life. I'll go with nurture rather nature.
I'd say that it's very much so the way that someone is raised. People who come from nothing have made a lot out of themselves (Look at Bill Clinton, athletes, artists, businessmen, etc.) I think that hereditary plays a very small role in someone's ambition.

A lot more to do with how they are raised, what people tell them, etc.
Interesting. I think its how ones brought up & raised. They depend on others & are cutting corners and achieving the success. Why have a motive to be ambitious when it comes for free no work involved.

Theres alot of breakdowns to this.. some are too scared as well & listen to people thinking they won't amount to anything. So why try?

Being ambitious is like a saturday morning chore for some people.. easily just drop it and proceed to sleep in.

This is a solid thread.
I agree as well that it's probably a learned behavior but not necessarily from the family. I know plenty of parents who worked hard and raised "bums" or "deadbeats". On the flip side, I know whole families who strive for nothing and are fine with getting gov't assistance and not wanting anything more for themselves or their kids. Guess I'm just wondering if there's a gene that controls your ambition and life outlook...
Ambition to me is caused by how your raised, definitely not hereditary especially the lack of it. Doubt it's genetic too.
I think both play a role but environment plays a larger role because if you catch someone at a young age you can raise them to work hard even if it's not in their nature plus you can give them the opportunities
I dont know. MY little brother is the most ambituous person I know.

Me i'm content to work a job I hate and drink my problems away. Nature vs Nurture I guess
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