Is it just me, or does anyone overthink things to much...

I start to over think right before I sleep. I think of one thing and it snowballs into so many thoughts, but cheeba helps out wit this problem
I feel everything you guys are saying. Man my mind stay racing with thoughts, scenarios, what ifs and hella other random thoughts.Feels like I'm never in the moment I'm always somewhere else up there. Pretty sure I'm not normal but it's all good tho
Originally Posted by color me green

Originally Posted by bjm5295

Originally Posted by DMoney82

I feel everything you are saying fam.

My brain is running 24/7 tho and I can't talk to anyone about my thoughts because they think I'm crazy and are so quick to judge. I keep a lot of stuff bottled up because I can't explain the +%% that goes through my head to anyone. I felt like I was alone on this
Feel free to PM if u wana talk

this and that. especially with girls, ESPECIALLY with that one girl. i think about every word, motion, smile, frown, whatever comes from her and just end up confusing myself.
I feel like this is what I'm going through right now. This chick is giving me signals that I think are signals but really aren't.

I to go threw all of these also I was so paranoid 1 time after I
that I pulled out on my peoples thinking they was trying to set me up
Originally Posted by MrDoeBoI

I to go threw all of these also I was so paranoid 1 time after I
that I pulled out on my peoples thinking they was trying to set me up

happened to me....cept i wasn't strapped at the time so i looked super lame and insane, then i just got out the car and walked off
Originally Posted by kobe82410

my friends have told me this is my number one problem, specifically with girls. i always end up overthinking and overanalyzing wayy too damn much and i end up jumping to conclusions that are completely off. i think my overactive imaginations has made me unable to trust girls. idk man, as of now, i dont think i can ever fully trust a girl and be 100% with her.

And no matter what she tells you your always convinced that what you think is going really is? You over think the littlest things that are nothing at all and question her?? Right?? Automatically jump to the conclusion that she's doing you wrong in some way?? It will destroy a relationship faster than you can ever imagine. I've found this out the hard way twice and lost some really amazing girls and regret it still. If someone you dated in the past that you really cared about did do you wrong, you start looking for signs and convince yourself it's happening again and your fear of it causes you to always think the worst. Once she thinks you don't trust her by you jumping to conclusions you can pretty much be assured you've started pushing her away....
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