Is it just me, or does it seem like Breast Cancer Awareness Month is more profit scheme than fundrai

Wait till ya'll find out how much money the Komen CEO makes. 
Heart disease though - thats the biggest killer in America. Yet we got companies like McDonalds, Coca Cola, Kraft, Nestle etc. that all contribute to the rise in heart related illnesses with their processed foods, promoting these "awarenesses" because lets face it, it enhances their image. Even if they only give 10% towards research, the amount of publicity and the boost in their public image is more than enough to quell any criticism of their business policies and malicious products. Id even say its better than flat out having commercials. It inculcates the idea that these companies are the "good guys" - and you can help fight the bad whatever it is, by buying their products.

JD Rockefeller was one of the first people to do this in America. When his image was deteriorating in the eyes of the public, his advisors exhorted him to make contributions towards social causes, civil works projects etc. He did just that and made sure that these actions received wide coverage and were heavily publicized in the media. So Rockefeller quickly went from a greedy monopolizing robber baron to a "philanthropist" simply because he gave away a small portion of his fortune. Its a brilliant move that all wealthy individuals do to avoid scrutiny and justify having such vast wealth.
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Your condolences are sincerely appreciated, and before I delve into your inquiry, let me ask this: what ISN'T exploited in this country? Is America not all about the almighty dollar?
as much as it is about the almighty dollar, the almighty dollar also speaks! So if we are more knowledgeable about who we give our dollar to, that dollar will do more work.
Bright pink merchandise + largest consumer base + disease they care most about = huge profits.

its a sensitive subject because it effects so many people, but one thing is for sure. breast cancer was chosen specifically because women are the biggest spenders. I doubt a similar campaign on lung cancer or Alzheimer's would gain the ground breast cancer has.
Maybe it's because my mother and aunt are survivors of breast cancer, advance stages at that and they would have not been able to receive the kind of care they did had it not been for corporations, including the NFL which I have actual documenting to back up this statement. Some of you guys should be ashamed of yourselves and I pray you never have to get that phone call from your mom
I was waiting for the guilt defenses
I hope someone with a little more time and energy could come in here and school yall on prostate cancer. The numbers are bleek for men, but tt doesnt garner anywhere near the attention it should.

society doesnt care about men. Period.
Well then men should start caring about the disease. They're in charge of most of these same organizations that do the breast cancer awareness month. The men in my family over 50 don't even get prostate exams.
Its just the Nature of man to accept his fate. My guess is , society has made weakness an embarassment. Going to the doctor and finding out somethings wrong with your prostateis devastating and takes a hit on your mental. Not to downplay breast cancer, im happy theres increasjng awareness but in the US, prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in men, same as breast is to women.

Wheres the exposure? Thats all im asking.
does any money from these "awareness" events actually go towards breast cancer research?
My favorite aunt died of breast cancer...
...IDGAF if they spend 95% of the proceeds on coke and strippers, if that 5% helps to find a cure/better treatment - then all y'all can shut the entire **** up.

But sir, this is the entire point we're making. If even, say, 70% of these profits were donated to the cause, how much further along would we be in the fight? Maybe in the near future we'd be able to stop zapping people with radiation, which is kind of like trying to kill cockroaches with a shotgun, if more money were actually donated instead of being used to line the pockets of already wealthy corporations.

Encouraging (by passively condoning) such behavior is a bad precedent, and failing to question the methods and motivation of the organizations is dangerous. I'm really sorry to hear about your aunt, but every dollar they tuck in their pockets is one robbed from a very worthy cause, and I just think that's ****** up.
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I do always end up wondering why less "known" type sof cancer with much lower 5 yr survival rates don't get the press or recognition that Breast Cancer disrespect to breast cancer survivors or victims who are incredible and deserve to be celebrated for overcoming and combatting that horrible illness, but I do think that the "sexiness" of it does aid in marketing....on campus I see TONS of "I love boobies" or "got boobs" breast cancer shirts and you can't really promote things like prostate cancer or lung cancer in the same manner I guess? But I always wonder this since Breast Cancer isn't the largest killer of women annually and plenty of other types of cancer have much worse survival rates when diagnosed late...
The reason people care about breast cancer is because it affects mothers.

Everyone loves their mothers. If a child loses their mother to breast cancer, best believe they'll try to prevent the same thing from happening to someone else's mother. Some of those children are millionaires with a lot of clout.

Breast cancer is like Mother's Day when compared to prostate cancer and Father's Day.

Mothers are just really important to people, as they should be.
Its just the Nature of man to accept his fate. My guess is , society has made weakness an embarassment. Going to the doctor and finding out somethings wrong with your prostateis devastating and takes a hit on your mental. Not to downplay breast cancer, im happy theres increasjng awareness but in the US, prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in men, same as breast is to women.

Wheres the exposure? Thats all im asking.
Yeah, I know what you're saying. Also at the same time men have to start caring about themselves and their health more. My dad and uncles would rather not know anything than go to the doctor and find out if they could possibly have prostate cancer or not. I know the test is invasive and makes a lot uncomfortable. The NFL, NBA, MLB, and tv stations are run by men, if they wanted to bring attention to a cancer that affected men they could easily do it. It's a matter of them wanting to. The ball is in their court but it's a weird issue talking about cancer that is up your anus.
I was trying to help some ladies at work "think before they pink".
15-40% actually goes to research/patients. The rest, administration cost AKA peoples salaries/professional fundraising fees.

Ignorance is bliss sometimes. I couldnt save them. They didnt want to be saved, so they just hit me with the most serious of stonefaces.

The system thrives on peoples emotions. Everyone knows someone with breast.
The system thrives on peoples ignorance. Speaking candidly with your moms and aunts to make sure they are up to date with their mammo is more important than walking in the park dressed in pink for "awareness" Honestly who in 2012 is not "aware" that early detection is the key?
The system thrives on peoples self righteousness. I care and I am doing something about it. I have a pink ribbon to prove it.
All of these cancer events: the NFL this month, the month as a whole and I think the NBA and MLB have event similar (not wanting to dig up the info) are a good thing....I will keep it funky if my "donations" however small helps even ONE person then call me a sucker but I am good with that. 

To often people need treatment or surgery and dont have the means to get these things they NEED (!!!!), are there people skimming some of the profits? For sure, so please be very careful who or what you donate too but to say "screw it they are all the same, I aint doing it" based upon a preconceived notion is just your justification for not wanting to help. And to be honest you dont need to, shoot its your right to decline. 

I will admit I have simply glanced through some of these posts so please no one take MY thoughts as personal to anyone else, but I just hate when people use what "they do" as a excuse.

Btw yes its personal to me, grandma had breast and ovarian cancer, grandpa had colon cancer...combination of three other relatives had various cancers (and thats on ONE side of my family). I personally have two benign tumors, and I pray I continue to be lucky. I very well may be blinded by personal involvement tho.
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We should question what that awareness is aimed at - to get screened? Thats it? You're still getting the disease.

How about awareness about the root causes of the disease instead? On education about preventive the onset of the disease itself.

That way we can use our money on preemptive measures such as eating healthy food, instead of buying pink bracelets and paying medical bills. Just saying.
Breast Cancer, or any of the cancer illness is probably the worst of the illnesses that any of us could go through. All the pain, the medications and the costly medical needs would give lots of stress. Hardly any in the way of cash actually goes to treating cancer or research from sales of National Football League pink jerseys. Teams do have to make money, after all, but the share allotted to really fighting cancer comes from sales of the pink gear. You can use a payday loan to help support cancer research.

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