Is it just me or does this sound fishy as hell....

Dec 29, 2009
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Two masked gunmen kidnapped a bank manager, strapped what they said was a bomb to her midsection and forced her to order employees to "take out all the money" from her Bank of America branch when it opened Wednesday, authorities said.
The bank robbers got away with an undisclosed amount of cash, but no one was injured in the heist. A Los Angeles County sheriff's bomb squad disabled the device, which investigators said resembled an explosive but was not.
No arrests have been made.
The bank manager was snatched in front of her home Wednesday morning, said sheriff's Capt. Mike Parker. She arrived at her workplace wearing a device the men had strapped to her stomach.
"She was told that it was explosives and she was ordered to go into the bank and take out all the money," said Parker. "She did do that in fear for her life."
The women then ordered her fellow employees to remove the cash from the bank and it was thrown to the men who were waiting outside, authorities said. Parker would only say there was "a decent amount" of money at the bank and the manager did enter the safe.
The two men, who were armed with handguns and wore ski masks, took off in a two-door car, possibly a Kia, and remain at large.
Parker said the woman remained inside the bank until a bomb squad arrived and removed the device from her body. The bomb squad later disabled the item with a robot. Nearby businesses were evacuated for a few hours as a precaution.
It's unclear if the woman knew the robbers. Investigators are trying to determine if there were any video surveillance cameras that captured the incident.

Who is the manager foolin?? The bank robbers knew where she lived?
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Yes, it might sound fishy but it is very possible.  I work at a bank they tell us to be aware of our surroundings and we were told that in some cases robbers would learn opening and closing routines.  If they were smart enough to come up with a genius idea to include the manger, wouldn't you think someone would be smart enough to learn her routines and follow her home?
some dude here in miami got away 3 times in one day by simply robbing banks on foot 

alot of people dont know how to react to being robbed , could be fishy though ...lord knows 

people have done crazier things , and if anyone knew how things work/operate would be the

bank manager so yeah , might have to hit her with that polygraph lmao
Sounds plausible and the question is how long till she quits or how she reacts or shows up to work with. Homegirl got a brand new whip its fishy.
It's definitely possible. The dudes must have planned this out for weeks. Besides all they had to do was follow the manager home.
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something like this involves planning . . . finding out who the bank manager is, where they live, schedule, best time to rob the bank (right after a big cash transfer from another bank or payroll), etc . . . unless it was an inside job.

OR maybe there was something specific they wanted to steal from the vault (not just money) that they went through all of this trouble . . . or maybe i watch too much tv.
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