Is N.E.R.D.'s "Fly or Die" underrated?

Oct 8, 2003
This usually gets glossed over when talking about N.E.R.D.'s catalogue. Is it because it followed "In Search Of"? It's personally my favorite album of theirs and I think it's their best. What do you guys think?
FOD is my personal favorite N.E.R.D. album. Still gets spins almost 10 years later :pimp:
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I'd rank them Seeing Sounds>In Search Of > Fly Or Die > Nothing

I just couldn't get into Nothing aside from a few tracks :rolleyes
You gonna make a thread in General crying if we don't agree?

i've got it ranked 3rd behind ISO & seeing sounds... GREAT album though.

waiting for you (especially P on the ending), maybe, & find my way are the definition of perfect to me :lol: :pimp:
Yep since Pharrell traded places with Jesus, NERD would be getting mad mainstream love today
Funny seeing this thread pop. My favorite group ever
ISO then FOD then SS Then Nothing.

Surprisingly i thought more of you would like ISO THE MOST.
Why do people act like Pharrell wasn't always popular? :lol:

He's not any more popular now, than he was 4-5 years ago.

Pharrell was always a super popular dude. NERD just wasn't a super popular group.
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I'd never heard of them or knew that Pharrell was in the group, or that The Neptuns came out of this until this thread, so I guess that makes them underrated to me. And I thought I knew things...
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