Is There Any Movie You Could Watch Like Everyday?

Originally Posted by AirAnt23

YO! For The Devil Wears Prada?

Losing an argument to my brother = "You right, you right.".
Son! You don't even know.

I kill that... and one of my personal favorites:

"It's love day..."


I'm with you, man. My wife insisted I watch it, but I ended up liking it. Its a good movie. However, to avoid any "ayo" accusations, I'll saythat part of the reason is that Emily Blunt really does it form in the movie for some reason. And, I wouldn't watch it every day. My choice actually wouldbe Anchorman.
- Cars
- The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (So tragic yet so mesmerizing).
- Saving Private Ryan. (Just for that sniper scene, dude went out like a true HERO.)
- Pirates of the Caribbean Trilogy.

Its funny how some of my favorites I can't even watch on a daily basis...Weird how that works out..
quite a few comedies for sure...that's about the only genre that i could watch like everyday though.
i once saw the notebook 3x in 1 day and i didn't even get tired of it....
theres probably more than one i can see everyday, but one right off the top of my head is waterboy
-American Pie 1 or 2
-Girl Next Door
-Toy Story 1 or 2
-Bad Boys 1 or 2
-Wedding Crashers

Theres probably alot more. I love movies.
The Matrix.

seriously, there's too much underlying messages, theories and philosophies in that
movie that i can never absorb altogether even if i watch it everyday of my life.

which is why it's my pick.

Star Wars
Gangs of NY
40 Y/O Virgin
Pulp Fiction
The Truman Show
HP movies
Indiana Jones movies
James Bond Movies
Sin City
Airheads lul
Ocean's 11&12

and a few others I won't mention(not pr0n)

that's a lot of movies
oh well
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