Is there anything huge that society has managed to erase from history?

Anybody ever research into how dinosaurs died? It's stated that their bones are contaminated with uranium, and that of all the creatures on earth at that time, only dinos remain have that substance in it. and how could an asteroid wipe out 100 percent of dinosaurs, would that mean earth should of been totally destroyed? if an asteroid hit right now, and our planet remained, that would mean only about 40-70 percent of humans would die. unless it was time, and natural causes...

So some people believe they might of been wiped out by another species... Iono..
Its not hidden but for for people to be patriotic and believe this whole "land of the free,home of the brave" non-sense they teach is ridiculous.

America is now and always will be a conquering empire that exists primarily to keep the rich rich.

The land this country was founded upon was commandeered from the Natives and the primary labor force were Africans stolen from their home land and forced to work for free.

But all men are created equal. :lol:
:rolleyes forget what u talkin bout we got a black president now.

Don't forget to check y'all sarcasm detectors
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I'm almost positive time travel has been discovered. I mean, general relativity was discovered almost a century ago.

And in regards to the NA history. One of the guys that headed the renaming of NA mascots in sports a couple years back came and spoke to my class during the first semester of last year and dude literally blew my mind. I knew it was bad, but I had absolutely no idea how bad. :x
The black holocaust and the horrible oppression and mass murder the white man has commited against black people. It is down played and trivialized here in America. The Jewish holocaust is made to seem more important.
I'm pretty sure both did.
Well then I don't think anyone has won yet.
Wasn't meant to be taken explicitly hence the word effectively. The Native American's people and their numbers have been decimated so greatly they have effectively been exterminated within the U.S. with no realistic chance of recovery.
Native American/indegenious American existence(past, present, and future).

African American slaves shipped to Liberia to be freed....which then enslaved native Africans and stayed in power until the 80s and the country continues to be messed up.

Possible African colonization in parts of South/Central America.

Jewish Asians

Nordic colonies in Greenland

Prominent African Empires other than Egyptians, Carthage, and Zulus.

Mankind's rise in Africa.
The black holocaust and the horrible oppression and mass murder the white man has commited against black people. It is down played and trivialized here in America. The Jewish holocaust is made to seem more important.

I think it's that way for 3 reasons.

1. It was more recent, during a time when 1st world countries were becoming more civilized.

2. They aren't chocolate skinned.

3. They got money and make moves, and generally have a a good community/network.

As for the Black Wall Street tragedy, think about it. That was one of the bigger concentrations of African-American business. What if(likely) they did that to prospering colored communities a lot back then.

It just reinforces my belief that the chains took a psychological form.
I think it's that way for 3 reasons.

1. It was more recent, during a time when 1st world countries were becoming more civilized.

2. They aren't chocolate skinned.

3. They got money and make moves, and generally have a a good community/network.

As for the Black Wall Street tragedy, think about it. That was one of the bigger concentrations of African-American business. What if(likely) they did that to prospering colored communities a lot back then.

It just reinforces my belief that the chains took a psychological form.
Just to be specific, Greenwood, Tulsa was the most affluent black community in the U.S. at the time.  There were a number of black millionaires who had their families, homes, businesses, and assets incinerated.
Not sure what you mean by "erased", because the fact that you mention it means that it isn't really erased, does it?

There are many underrated aspects of history IMO though.

Belgium's atrocities in the Congo in the early 20th century - this was messed up
Islam's philosophical and technological influence on medieval Europe
Migrations of various tribes throughout Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire which shaped western civilization.
How mankind was almost wiped out 75.000 years ago after a major natural catastrophe.
Atlantis, Lemuria, other lost (advanced) civilizations
Phoenicians sailing on everyone
people back in the day knowing the world was round way before Copernicus and Galileo
Real function of the pyramid structures (not tombs)
Ley lines
If there was, we wouldn't know.

The library of Alexandria?
Are you saying dinosaurs didn't exist?

We can fight right now guy.
I like your style. Gotta know when to drop the gloves in life.
I think it's safe to say history has erased or majorly downplayed the effect that slavery has had on African-Americans post-slavery.

To be honest, I didn't learn anything about slavery and its impact until college.
I think the ripples are still going to this day...I'd love to read (or hell, research) a book on the residual effects. I mean, you don't just go from owning somebody to being totally cool overnight...or even over a generation or 5.
White people might not consider it "huge" but the bombing and total destruction of the Greenwood neighborhood aka "The Black Wall Street" in Tulsa, Oklahoma comes to mind. Completely omitted from history books, outright covered up by local, state and federal government until just a few years ago. 
Just read a little about*******sanity. I bet some folk would be down for a large-scale repeat right now.

Wasn't meant to be taken explicitly hence the word effectively. The Native American's people and their numbers have been decimated so greatly they have effectively been exterminated within the U.S. with no realistic chance of recovery.
Never thought about it that way, but that was legit genocide, wasn't it? Not all "lined up and shot/gassed"-style, but the effect was about the same. Man does that get pushed under the rug.
A lot of history isnt hidden its just written in books.
I really have to start reading heavy again. I find this type of **** fascinating.

@ Black Jesus...the most miscast person of all time. I remember some white folk being all pissed that some "Hunger Games" characters were apparently the wrong color in the have no idea what real artistic liberties can do.

I think a lot of America's recent dirt never gets discussed popularly...I feel like such things as the scope/implications of the Contra scandal, the Tuskegee Experiment and concentration camps for the Japanese aren't really common knowledge.

Hell, we barely remember why we went to war and that was what, about 10 years ago? I know this because if we did, it would be over.
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The GAP band first formed as the Greenwood, Archer and Pine Street Band in 1967 in their hometown of Tulsa, Oklahoma. Site of the Black Wall Street Race Riots,

They are notably known for their hit song " You dropped the bomb on me"
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Just to be specific, Greenwood, Tulsa was the most affluent black community in the U.S. at the time.  There were a number of black millionaires who had their families, homes, businesses, and assets incinerated.

There were other satellite cities as well.

Even in parts of Dallas, there are rich white neighborhoods and golf courses built over free slave settlements and slave cemeteries
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Somewhat related but I found this interesting

Non-Americans of reddit, what aspect of American culture strikes you as the strangest?

Reading this made me realized how much of a nazi country the u.s. is going to seem like to current and future generations.
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The fact that Columbus is taught and praised the way he is, is a joke. He wasn't even the first European to discover America.

And as a white man, I'm embarrassed by our history in regard to the AA community.
Steal the land from the Native American and call the missiles Tomahawks

Make him a mascot, dress him up for sport

As a final assault to his beautiful culture...

Talib is that dude. 
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