Is there anything huge that society has managed to erase from history?

what was done to the NA was most definitely genocide.
woodrow wilson's favorite movie was birth of a nation.
Armenian Genocide

lol maybe its cause im from LA too, but this. Turkey completely refuses to acknowledge that it happened, similar to Germany and the Holocaust.

I'd like to add American imperialization/neocolonialism/genocide under the guise of "Manifest Destiny" or "white man's burden". Historically seen in Southeast Asia and currently ongoing in the Middle East.

edit: actually let me also add as another rationale..."capitalism".
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I just posted something here about Abraham Lincoln and it got deleted? :nerd:

But yeah I was always curious about the real Abraham Lincoln. Can anyone school me?
How many people know the word "genocide" was coined to describe the Armenian Genocide?

If you want to learn about the real history of America, read "A People's History of the United States" by Howard Zinn.
I'm almost positive time travel has been discovered. I mean, general relativity was discovered almost a century ago.

And in regards to the NA history. One of the guys that headed the renaming of NA mascots in sports a couple years back came and spoke to my class during the first semester of last year and dude literally blew my mind. I knew it was bad, but I had absolutely no idea how bad.
How would a time machine even be possible?
Papal monarchy

Biblical edits through out time...mainly during the reigns of Constantine, and King James.

Spanish conquest has not been erased, but definitely UNDERSTATED.

In general mankinds relationship witb earth/the universe...I feel as if we've been somehow "disconnected" from our true nature. Like we lost the instruction manual somewhere down the line.
They just found I believe the oldest civilization ever discovered buried in turkey. A farmer stumbled upon it
I think it's safe to say history has erased or majorly downplayed the effect that slavery has had on African-Americans post-slavery.

To be honest, I didn't learn anything about slavery and its impact until college.

It's definitely downplayed. I feel like it was glossed over greatly in all of my history classes throughout middle school and HS. Wasn't it in Texas where they wanted to remove slavery altogether from textbooks? :nerd:
They just found I believe the oldest civilization ever discovered buried in turkey. A farmer stumbled upon it
How can this be erased from society if it is lost in time? A newfound ancient civilization was not purposely erased from history the way other events have.
This. In HS, you learn about slavery (somewhat) but I never learned about the Spanish conquest in the Americas until I hit College.
I think this has to do more with the education system that was in place during your pre-college education, not in society as whole. We will get to that point in the future by the way some of these right wing extremists in command are running these things. You'd expect things to be different in 2013.

Let's see:

AA history (you really have to dig and dig to get some info. It's past mainstream society education. Guaranteed most present day AA don't know their history)
Destruction of Native Americans by the US and the role Mexico had discriminating against them as well.

Does Germany really deny the holocaust though? Its still fresh in terms of human history.
This. In HS, you learn about slavery (somewhat) but I never learned about the Spanish conquest in the Americas until I hit College.
I think this has to do more with the education system that was in place during your pre-college education, not in society as whole. We will get to that point in the future by the way some of these right wing extremists in command are running these things. You'd expect things to be different in 2013.

Let's see:

AA history (you really have to dig and dig to get some info. It's past mainstream society education. Guaranteed most present day AA don't know their history)
Destruction of Native Americans by the US and the role Mexico had discriminating against them as well.

Does Germany really deny the holocaust though? Its still fresh in terms of human history.
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I'm almost positive time travel has been discovered. I mean, general relativity was discovered almost a century ago.

And in regards to the NA history. One of the guys that headed the renaming of NA mascots in sports a couple years back came and spoke to my class during the first semester of last year and dude literally blew my mind. I knew it was bad, but I had absolutely no idea how bad. :x

How would a time machine even be possible?


Theoretically, time travel is possible. Since general relativity has been proven, in theory, time travel (worm holes) is possible.
The art of penmanship ... Since all we do is type or text now a days, the art of writing has withered away.
Armenian Genocide
lol maybe its cause im from LA too, but this. Turkey completely refuses to acknowledge that it happened, similar to Germany and the Holocaust.

I'd like to add American imperialization/neocolonialism/genocide under the guise of "Manifest Destiny" or "white man's burden". Historically seen in Southeast Asia and currently ongoing in the Middle East.

edit: actually let me also add as another rationale..."capitalism".
i think germany acknowledges that the holocaust happened.
How could I forget...the initial news broadcasts/reports for 9-11-2001.

Care to expound?

I'm almost positive time travel has been discovered. I mean, general relativity was discovered almost a century ago.

And in regards to the NA history. One of the guys that headed the renaming of NA mascots in sports a couple years back came and spoke to my class during the first semester of last year and dude literally blew my mind. I knew it was bad, but I had absolutely no idea how bad. :x

How would a time machine even be possible?


Theoretically, time travel is possible. Since general relativity has been proven, in theory, time travel (worm holes) is possible.

Any good articles I should check out?
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