Is there hope for me NT? Vol. Help you never had Part. Duece (college related) UPDATE

Aug 10, 2009
I just graduated HS and will be going to college soon. I got into some decent schools and due to FA I had to go to my local state school. At the time of the decision UCSB required almost 30K in

student loans to attend and me and my family assumed that SJSU would only ask 15k so it was an easy decision. NOW once I did all the school admission requirements they said i had never given

them my FAFSA (although I had sent it in December
) so now that they have received my FAFSA and made a financial aid decision I only got 0. Yea as a 3.8 GPA student I only recieved nothing

living 15 minutes away. Now at UCSB I would be paying almost 30 k and now I will be paying 22k, I received a scholarship so UCSB isn't really much different. Do you guys think I can still go to

UCSB?  I am willing to go to reasonable extremes. So NT is there hope for me?
three choices-
1. get student loans

2. join military

3. get 2 jobs

May God have mercy on your soul, OP
So I can still attend the school?

I have already been accepted but the deadline to commit was May 1st.
I'm not sure if it's passed the deadline to commit to UCSB, but if you still have time then just take out a student loan to pay for your tuition.  You won't have to pay it back until you graduate anyway, so you have time to save some money.  If it's passed the deadline to commit then the only way you can get in is to call admissions and ask, I'm sure they'll work something out with you.  Unless you're set on going to UCSB then just take out the loan for SJSU, community college should be a last resort...
I just called an Admissions counselor and left a message, I hope they can help me.

Anyone have any similar experiences?
So I have spoke with an Admissions counselor and they encourage me to send in an appeal letter. I am taking this as a somewhat good sign.

I will update just in case someone needs similar advice in a situation similar to mine.
That FAFSA %*@% is really unorganized. If you really did file it when you said you did, and your counselor did send it, they should've received it. The only way to get financial aid is to get that straightened out. I hope all goes well for you man, good luck.
Whatever school you get into (go to UCSB, it just cracked Top 40 schools in the nation) best of luck bud. Just graduated, college was
. Wish I was a Freshman again.
before you go into epic debt, watch this video

%%$$ is cold hard facts to make you 

but its still
cuz you haven't entered school yet
Originally Posted by FullTech

three choices-
1. get student loans

2. join military

3. get 2 jobs

May God have mercy on your soul, OP
4. go to community college, continue your excellence in academia, and transfer after you've finished your generals.

If you can pull a 3.8 in HS, you can pull at LEAST a 3.5 in community college. It might suck that you aren't going to a big name school, but trust me, you really aren't missing much as far as the college experience goes unless you were planning on living in the dorms. but since you live so close I would doubt that would be your first choice, based of financial reasoning alone.
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