Israel declares War - Destruction of Gaza / Growing conflict in Middle East

Don’t get too excited for the un council passing the resolution today. Its watered down and does nothing

Spoiler alert: Israel is still in charge of what comes in and out and they get to inspect it
lmao wait for it, ol girl made it on a reel

A month ago, a Muslim dude was handing out free Qurans. I took one but I had to ask him- “who had hummus first, you guys or the Jews?” He thought I was asking about Hamas, I said “No, Hummus, Hummus”. Dude looked both ways and said “Us. Anything with olive oil is us”. Dapped, told him “I knew it” and kept it moving.
A month ago, a Muslim dude was handing out free Qurans. I took one but I had to ask him- “who had hummus first, you guys or the Jews?” He thought I was asking about Hamas, I said “No, Hummus, Hummus”. Dude looked both ways and said “Us. Anything with olive oil is us”. Dapped, told him “I knew it” and kept it moving.
They can't even pronounce hummus correctly
onthenephs onthenephs , I am on episode 2 from the podcast series the Martyrmade you posted. Thanks for the recommendation.

I am pretty much well versed on the history, and had already even deep dived into the Zionist revisionist history and so I had to look into what's truthful or not. So I wanted to see how this host would approach the history.

So far, it's quite clear the radicalism was embedded in Zionists as they were on some colonizer mindset to take over what they thought was their entitlement to satisfy their nationalism due to their persecution in Europe and just dumped it on the Arabs.

They really thought Arabs were savages that should be disregarded and deserve no right and need to bend to their demands to steal their lands.

If anything, I still stand that from the beginning the Zionists had no right to claim self determination and sovereignty over Arab lands. Yes, there was a very tiny minority of Jews, but the majority were Arab and these Jews were Arabs too.

It's mind boggling how the European Jewish Zionists started to weave and construct this mythical invention of an Israel over an already settled and inhabitated land of Arab majority.

It's just really really sad as today is still leading to a genocide of the Indigenous Arabs of on that land.

So as a Palestinian it is such a mind F when they tell me that I am not native to my lands when supposedly we can go to last 20 generations by name. They have this whole myth in projections that Arabs are the colonizers with completely no context and knowledge of history because they're only brainwashed with Zionist revisionism history which a lot has been fabricated and distorted.

It's mind boggling how they whitewashed that they are the natives when the majority of Israelis are descendants from outsiders that immigrated as settlers and colonizers based on claiming just because Jews originated from these lands 3000 years ago. So this means they can ethnically cleanse and expulse the natives for their Jewish safety and nationhood. Like a kid from Brooklyn that can't even trace any blood or lineage on that soil has more claim to that land than me and my family.

With that logic, might as well have Christians from all over the world claim sovereignty over those lands because Christianity was birthed there. Muslims too, they should all lay claim to Saudi Arabia and make up some new nation if they want to due to islamaphobia ???

Mind boggling.
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Only thing that helps me sleep at night during a genocide is knowing that Israel is losing the war.

Not only are they losing, but the whole apparatus of Western machinery of power, expensive aircraft and aircraft carriers are being utterly shown up by drones and short range missiles.

When the most powerful hegemon currently on earth cannot stop the Houthi blockade, it would appear that US and Western "defense" spending is largely a welfare program for woke STEM grads, it's clear that another international order, something different from post 1945 or even post 1991 is not only emergent but it's damn well emerged.
Not only are they losing, but the whole apparatus of Western machinery of power, expensive aircraft and aircraft carriers are being utterly shown up by drones and short range missiles.

When the most powerful hegemon currently on earth cannot stop the Houthi blockade, it would appear that US and Western "defense" spending is largely a welfare program for woke STEM grads, it's clear that another international order, something different from post 1945 or even post 1991 is not only emergent but it's damn well emerged.

With reports that these attacks are happening beyond the range of attack of Houthis (Indian Ocean), it isn't far-fetched to think that Iran is directly involved, so I don't think the issue is one of capability as much as it is about pursuing a policy of regional containment and de-escalation.
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