Ite, Who's rockin wit Romney for 2012?

Originally Posted by hitopsandflannel

CParkFresh wrote:
ninjahood wrote:
you seen Europe lately? yea...obama for 4 more years = us in a not too distant future.

aaahhhh no.

Please excuse him.. He has no idea that the policies that Obama wants to implement are are a complete contrast to those in Europe. UK fell back into recession due to the policies that Romney wants to put in place. It's called Austerity.. you cut basic needs for people out of the budget such as Medical services, education, housing and other programs needed to keep people from falling into poverty. While at the same time giving tax breaks to the richest Earners and expect for them to somehow create jobs and stimulate the Economy. Anyone thinking of voting for Romney just needs to take a look overseas and see all the crap that Conservative politicians  put into law over there.
so spending money you DONT HAVE and frankly putting your noses up at da people who have BAILED YOU OUT (Germany) NUMEROUS times is da right way to go?
(which da NY times drew similarities of obama's plans of that of EU's plans)

Greece is gonna get kicked out da Euro REAL soon....France just put a president in place that wants to renegotiate da austerity obligations its already with Germany AFTER Germany said there is NO "re-negotiating"

bottom line is you can't print money your way out of recession.

this country is BORROWING 40 cents of EVERY DOLLAR is spends....what happens god forbid if international transactions are no longer held by US bonds? *poof* there goes our solvent currency.
Originally Posted by devildog1776

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Dimelo

Me and you might be the only new Yorkers that like Bloomberg
im old enough to remember da david dinkins days...NYC used to look like da first ninja turtles movie...grimey, gritty, etc. cool and all if your a hoodlum like myself, but it wasn't generating da billions it does during his administration.

there's a reason he's on his 3rd term as mayor....ill tell you what, if a democrat takes office in NYC, taxes are gonna rise like no one's business and we're gonna go back to those times when NYC was a mess.

what put me off about obama is his utter disgust for coal, oil, and gas....i mean seriously, when we owe 40 cents of every dollar we spend to china cuz we're spending more then we have...and yet we can't access our own resources..welp, its time to change

da script...
Bloomberg hasnt done anything to improve living conditions in nyc.... i cant list 100 things he's done to make himself money but i wont even get into that...
lets talk about

- 12 dollar NEWPORTS 
 i dont even smoke

- 1000 a month studio rent

- 100 a month metrocards

- 75 cent goes towards bloomberg everytime someone calls 311

- job creation 
  security and flower delivery boy isnt an ideal profession

- WTC is still not finished

- a 2nd ave line????? really????? you telling me a 3rd avenue line isnt adequate???? 
  a parallel line running and stopping exactly one block over is seen as an accomplishment??? 

- dont forget the stop and frisk laws which only catches perps 1 percent of the time

i guess dudes in wash heights aint that hard to impress.... 

-record rent is da product of a piss poor housing market..extreme regulations combined with lack of confidence and lack of funds restricts more people from becoming home owners.

-i can care less if smokes is 1000 a pack, i dont smoke.

-da MTA's da one of most poorly run operations in this entire country, bloomberg has nothing to do with da cuts they've had to implement because of cuts of federal aid of da system...even though i didn't agree with da idea bloomberg tried and failed

to implement a toll system below 96 street bridges to fund improvements to da MTA

-WTC isn't finished because of da piss poor management of that of da NYNJ port authority which was recently audited and has been infamously is ridiculously expensive cost and overall inefficient budget handling.

-2nd avenue train line has been a project in da making for over 100 years, it was supposed to be part of da OG plan that never materialized.

-stop and frisk is horrendous and i agree that he needs to reign in commissioner kelly's onslaught of minority stop and frisk procedures.
Originally Posted by Bandit Country

East side runs on Lex, not 3rd and 2nd ave line is an absolute neccessity..

exactly, there's da 1 & A train on da west side...a 2nd ave line supplants an already clogged up 4,5,6, line.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

bloomberg, another filthy rich duke has been awesome for NYC, i think if romney is as business savy then there's nothing but good things to come as far as im concerned.
By pushing minorities like you out of the city and continuing Giuliani police tactics if not expanding them all the while increasingly privatizing education and making the city basically unaffordable for anybody who isn't dirt poor or rich...Yea, he's done a fantastic job.
You are very lost and naive.  Ninja don't have a BA and acting like business centered politics are going to help your pockets, in what world?  Bush was filthy rich, how did that work out for you?  Dude voting for Romeny cause he wants to drive gaz guzzlers but lives in a city where you don't even need a car.  Confused priorities.
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by ninjahood

bloomberg, another filthy rich duke has been awesome for NYC, i think if romney is as business savy then there's nothing but good things to come as far as im concerned.
By pushing minorities like you out of the city and continuing Giuliani police tactics if not expanding them all the while increasingly privatizing education and making the city basically unaffordable for anybody who isn't dirt poor or rich...Yea, he's done a fantastic job.
You are very lost and naive.  Ninja don't have a BA and acting like business centered politics are going to help your pockets, in what world?  Bush was filthy rich, how did that work out for you?  Dude voting for Romeny cause he wants to drive gaz guzzlers but lives in a city where you don't even need a car.  Confused priorities.
Wait...This dude Ninjahood said NYC could have been Detroit?

That might be one of the most ignorant and profoundly stupid comments I've heard in a while.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

hitopsandflannel wrote:
Please excuse him.. He has no idea that the policies that Obama wants to implement are are a complete contrast to those in Europe. UK fell back into recession due to the policies that Romney wants to put in place. It's called Austerity.. you cut basic needs for people out of the budget such as Medical services, education, housing and other programs needed to keep people from falling into poverty. While at the same time giving tax breaks to the richest Earners and expect for them to somehow create jobs and stimulate the Economy. Anyone thinking of voting for Romney just needs to take a look overseas and see all the crap that Conservative politicians  put into law over there.
so spending money you DONT HAVE and frankly putting your noses up at da people who have BAILED YOU OUT (Germany) NUMEROUS times is da right way to go?
(which da NY times drew similarities of obama's plans of that of EU's plans)

Greece is gonna get kicked out da Euro REAL soon....France just put a president in place that wants to renegotiate da austerity obligations its already with Germany AFTER Germany said there is NO "re-negotiating"

bottom line is you can't print money your way out of recession.

this country is BORROWING 40 cents of EVERY DOLLAR is spends....what happens god forbid if international transactions are no longer held by US bonds? *poof* there goes our solvent currency.

[/h1][h1]Bush-Era Tax Cuts Projected As Largest Contributor To Public Debt [/h1]
The Huffington Post William Alden
First Posted: 05/20/11 03:50 PM ET Updated: 07/20/11 06:12 AM ET

If the Bush-era tax cuts are renewed next year, that policy will by 2019 be the single largest contributor to the nation's public debt -- "the sum of annual budget deficits, minus annual surpluses" -- according to new analysis from the non-partisan Center for Budget and Policy Priorities.

These tax breaks, combined with the cost of fighting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, will account for nearly half the public debt in 2019, measured as a percentage of economic output, the CBPP's analysis shows. Even the cost of the economic downturn, combined with the cost of the legislation passed to stem the damage, won't be as burdensome as the weight of the Bush-era tax cuts, the chart below suggests. See if you can find the debt associated with the Trouble Asset Relief Program and the rescue of Fannie and Freddie:
Tax cuts for the highest earners were renewed late last year, as part of a deal that extended tax breaks for middle earners and reauthorized unemployment insurance. In an April speech, President Barack Obama laid out a plan to reduce the nation's deficit and debt, suggesting that he would strive to make sure the tax cuts for the highest earners expire naturally in 2012.

If tax cuts do expire as scheduled, that would win significant debt relief for the government, CBPP says:
Simply letting the Bush tax cuts expire on schedule (or paying for any portions that policymakers decide to extend) would stabilize the debt-to-GDP ratio for the next decade. While we'd have to do much more to keep the debt stable over the longer run, that would be a huge accomplishment.

Please read and educate yourself..
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by ninjahood

So people who dont approve of abortions & homosexual relations are automatically monsters thatShouldnt even be classifed as human......
Gimme a break b.
You both are embarrassments. What in my post suggest that I think that pro-life or anti-homosexual people shouldn't be classified as human?  Like I said, you both are embarrassing.
We've both been around here far too long not to know each other well by now. I know how you viewed me in the past based on what I believe. 
Now the not "human" part was a bit of a stretch. 
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by VoidEmperor

Originally Posted by hitopsandflannel

Please excuse him.. He has no idea that the policies that Obama wants to implement are are a complete contrast to those in Europe. UK fell back into recession due to the policies that Romney wants to put in place. It's called Austerity.. you cut basic needs for people out of the budget such as Medical services, education, housing and other programs needed to keep people from falling into poverty. While at the same time giving tax breaks to the richest Earners and expect for them to somehow create jobs and stimulate the Economy. Anyone thinking of voting for Romney just needs to take a look overseas and see all the crap that Conservative politicians  put into law over there.
No need to look overseas. Just look back at the great depression, what did president Herbert Hoover do? Tax breaks for the rich because "it would create more jobs." What happened? The rich got richer while the poor got poorer. 

Exactly.. On his handling of the economy as a whole, outside of just tax breaks, Hoover is the epitome of the sit on his hands, do nothing President letting markets correct themselves.

As for the current crisis of US & Europe.. Europe hit a recession before us, and considering the global market is heavily dependent on the US, once the US went down, Europe had no shot..  Comparing US & Europe is foolish at best.

What? Have you ever heard of Hoover's "Reconstruction Programs"? Reconstruction Finance Corporation? These programs gave billions in loans to banks and railroads (infrastructure), sounds oddly familiar doesn't it? He increased federal spending over 40% in fiscal years '30-'32. Hoover was the epitome of a typical Keynesian in believing the workers' purchasing power was the source of economic strength. Hoover did exactly what Obama has done, prop up real estate and stock prices by injecting capital into the markets As you can see it had a terrible after effect, and the heavens only know what could have been if the country still wasn't on a gold standard.

Stop reading Robert Reich and Paul Krugman, bro.
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by ninjahood

bloomberg, another filthy rich duke has been awesome for NYC, i think if romney is as business savy then there's nothing but good things to come as far as im concerned.
By pushing minorities like you out of the city and continuing Giuliani police tactics if not expanding them all the while increasingly privatizing education and making the city basically unaffordable for anybody who isn't dirt poor or rich...Yea, he's done a fantastic job.
You are very lost and naive.  Ninja don't have a BA and acting like business centered politics are going to help your pockets, in what world?  Bush was filthy rich, how did that work out for you?  Dude voting for Romeny cause he wants to drive gaz guzzlers but lives in a city where you don't even need a car.  Confused priorities.

Bloomberg has been a proponent of affordable housing...ya talkin out ya blow holes...
Originally Posted by hitopsandflannel

Originally Posted by ninjahood

hitopsandflannel wrote:
Please excuse him.. He has no idea that the policies that Obama wants to implement are are a complete contrast to those in Europe. UK fell back into recession due to the policies that Romney wants to put in place. It's called Austerity.. you cut basic needs for people out of the budget such as Medical services, education, housing and other programs needed to keep people from falling into poverty. While at the same time giving tax breaks to the richest Earners and expect for them to somehow create jobs and stimulate the Economy. Anyone thinking of voting for Romney just needs to take a look overseas and see all the crap that Conservative politicians  put into law over there.
so spending money you DONT HAVE and frankly putting your noses up at da people who have BAILED YOU OUT (Germany) NUMEROUS times is da right way to go?
(which da NY times drew similarities of obama's plans of that of EU's plans)

Greece is gonna get kicked out da Euro REAL soon....France just put a president in place that wants to renegotiate da austerity obligations its already with Germany AFTER Germany said there is NO "re-negotiating"

bottom line is you can't print money your way out of recession.

this country is BORROWING 40 cents of EVERY DOLLAR is spends....what happens god forbid if international transactions are no longer held by US bonds? *poof* there goes our solvent currency.
[/h1][h1]Bush-Era Tax Cuts Projected As Largest Contributor To Public Debt [/h1]
The Huffington Post William Alden
First Posted: 05/20/11 03:50 PM ET Updated: 07/20/11 06:12 AM ET

If the Bush-era tax cuts are renewed next year, that policy will by 2019 be the single largest contributor to the nation's public debt -- "the sum of annual budget deficits, minus annual surpluses" -- according to new analysis from the non-partisan Center for Budget and Policy Priorities.

These tax breaks, combined with the cost of fighting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, will account for nearly half the public debt in 2019, measured as a percentage of economic output, the CBPP's analysis shows. Even the cost of the economic downturn, combined with the cost of the legislation passed to stem the damage, won't be as burdensome as the weight of the Bush-era tax cuts, the chart below suggests. See if you can find the debt associated with the Trouble Asset Relief Program and the rescue of Fannie and Freddie:
Tax cuts for the highest earners were renewed late last year, as part of a deal that extended tax breaks for middle earners and reauthorized unemployment insurance. In an April speech, President Barack Obama laid out a plan to reduce the nation's deficit and debt, suggesting that he would strive to make sure the tax cuts for the highest earners expire naturally in 2012.

If tax cuts do expire as scheduled, that would win significant debt relief for the government, CBPP says:
Simply letting the Bush tax cuts expire on schedule (or paying for any portions that policymakers decide to extend) would stabilize the debt-to-GDP ratio for the next decade. While we'd have to do much more to keep the debt stable over the longer run, that would be a huge accomplishment.

Please read and educate yourself..

I been knew that cuts aint put us over da edge thou, defict spending on 2 wars did.Bottomline is obama cant run on his record, its trash juice...2 years of super majority in senate & congress & money wanted to pass cap & trade... possibly da biggestTax hike in US energy history.He pandering to da fringe left wing tree huggers about da keystone pipeline when canada is gonna do what ot wantsWit da tarsands no matter what...& ya talkin about "oh ninjahood just wanna keep pushin v8 muscle cars" so? Where do youDraw da line at? Taxes on soda? Mandated_______ because da government insists on regulating every aspect on what we do.
This dude ninjahood thinks living in a total police state is an accomplishment. 

at the Frisk Laws, I feel like I live in Nazi Germany. I'm waiting for city ID cards with chips in it.
Originally Posted by 7thAve btn 31stN33rd St

This dude ninjahood thinks living in a total police state is an accomplishment. 

at the Frisk Laws, I feel like I live in Nazi Germany. I'm waiting for city ID cards with chips in it.
umm police state is left wing......
This thread is mind blowing, all I have been reading is documented facts about how clueless and misinformed, you wanna be republicans really are..........I dont even wanna get into the whole namecalling but............My God, I really dont know know i

I dunno, I'm far from rich, but at the end of the day, I dunno LIVING LIFE, under Republican policies has brought nothing but debt and war............

Reagan, Bush SR, Bush Jr =TERRIBLE

Clinton= Not that bad, no wars, left with a surplus

I really dont see a track record of SOCIETY benefiting from Republican policies, seriously what makes you guys think your lives will improve with Romney in office, and real talk if you aint paying bills and still living at home, you need not answer.

This isnt a black/white question, all the real men/women on their own paying bills and not banking over 100 K a year, why Republican?
problem is obama is SO LEFT that we need someone somewhat right to get da country back to da center....cap and trade, and shutting down coal plants isn't da business b.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

problem is obama is SO LEFT that we need someone somewhat right to get da country back to da center....cap and trade, and shutting down coal plants isn't da business b.
This.  Like it or not, we are still dependent on fossil fuels.  I would love there to be more clean energy...but right now my car doesnt run on clean energy, so if tapping into those oil reserves will help me in the present then I'm all for it
Originally Posted by ninjahood

problem is obama is SO LEFT that we need someone somewhat right to get da country back to da center....

You have no idea what you are talking about.. SO LEFT
.  I could deal with center-left, but SO Left?  Hell Clinton was more liberal than Obama, and he has been classified as center-left...

Before you discuss politics, please read da textbooks b.
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by ninjahood

problem is obama is SO LEFT that we need someone somewhat right to get da country back to da center....

You have no idea what you are talking about.. SO LEFT
.  I could deal with center-left, but SO Left?  Hell Clinton was more liberal than Obama, and he has been classified as center-left...

Before you discuss politics, please read da textbooks b.
da same clinton that passed welfare reform in 1994 and was quoted as saying "da era of big government is over"? 

i swear its like IM DA ONLY ONE that is actually paying attention to da actual issues...

as soon as bill got into office he went more towards da center and WORKED with republicans....obama is DOUBLING DOWN on failed policies.

almost 50% of our electricity comes from COAL...there's NO WAY we're going to come off that without SKYROCKETING costs that companies will pass along to consumers.

less then 2% of cars right now are electric....we NEED our oil, we NEED keystone, we NEED natural gas.....
This thread is mind blowing, all I have been reading is documented facts about how clueless and misinformed, you wanna be republicans really are..........I dont even wanna get into the whole namecalling but............My God, I really dont know know i

I dunno, I'm far from rich, but at the end of the day, I dunno LIVING LIFE, under Republican policies has brought nothing but debt and war............

Reagan, Bush SR, Bush Jr =TERRIBLE

Clinton= Not that bad, no wars, left with a surplus

I really dont see a track record of SOCIETY benefiting from Republican policies, seriously what makes you guys think your lives will improve with Romney in office, and real talk if you aint paying bills and still living at home, you need not answer.

This isnt a black/white question, all the real men/women on their own paying bills and not banking over 100 K a year, why Republican?
Regan= Trash

Obama isnt left, this country has no left. Its all corporate and no matter how much government you get rid of, you wont stop corporations and multinational banks. Ask the Bailout about democracy. You think you're going to vote against the interests of Goldman Sachs? Let me know how that works out for you.
No wars under Clinton? I went to college with a Serbian student whose entire family was killed under Clinton. I'd rethink that one.Funny how these scumbag politicians agree on 90% of issues when it comes to.stripping away our civil liberties. With that in mind, I'm a "republican" because of cap and trade and gun rights. That's what it comes down to for my vote.
Originally Posted by Bandit Country

 Funny how these scumbag politicians agree on 90% of issues when it comes to.stripping away our civil liberties. With that in mind, I'm a "republican" because of cap and trade and gun rights. That's what it comes down to for my vote.

You do know Cap and Trade is a republican proposal in the 1980s & 1990s right?  They were the ones who pushed it not the Democratic Party.

The paradigm of the politicians has moved right. Center Left by today's standards, was center right by 1994s standards..

I.e. Center Left of 1964 wouldn't be called a communist, they'd be run out of office "as a communist" in 2012...

And we could have a debate on gun rights for days, but the majority of Democrats are not trying to vanquish your Second Amendment to be honest, they won't even dance anywhere near that subject.... That is another example of the changing paradigm in DC. Soft gun laws are equated with Repealing the Second Amendment today.
Yes Essential. Politifact is free. You're not the only person who can check it. Who supports it today?

And Fast and Furious is all I need to know about Barry's position on gun control.
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