I've reached the end of the line... smh

Aug 24, 2009
I hate to flood NT with negativity, but I've just been dealt the most amount of L's in a short time period that I can't even comprehend what happened to me.

As most of you know, I'm a senior in HS and I'm heading off to college next year... except every single college I wanted to attend to denied me. Not a single damn school that I wished to spend my next few years wanted to take me in. I've taken too many loses, and I need a break.

I always thought I was going to break the mold. Right now I have no money, no job, no social life and no place to go to next year.

I'm out. This is too much. I just wanted to let you all know what's going on with me. Before "get a blog".
Go to a CC and transfer after doing well. You're going to save yourself boatload of money in the long run anyways and at the end of the day you'll still have a degree from one of those universities that originally denied you.

If that's not a look for you start getting into an industry/job that you're interested in. Just remember not everyone has to go to college to enjoy life, be happy, or be successful. Keep your head up.
Fool stop crying. Think about what you are crying about. "No college I WANT TO ATTEND will accept me." Don't you know some people don't even have fingers to fill out an application?
Find someone that will accept you. What else can you do. Cry about it? Monta you are better than that man seriously. You are 17 years old, you are talking as if your life is over or something. Man up, seriously. You are my dude but keep working. Someone will accept you. If not, go to the Juco route.
Welcome to the real world. If you are gonna let that stop you, then you are in for a even ruder awakening. Taking L's are a part of life. Its how you react to them and learn from them that gets you to your next move which ultimately can be your best move. You better develop a thicker skin young buck!
Yeah, I agree with KayCurrency. I was expecting to come in here and see something way worse. At least you are young and still have so many options. You're going to get knocked back every now and again, it's character building. You can still get a degree!
Come on my mans going to a community college wont kill you
as for the no money go out and look for a job or resell %+*$. And i cant help you with your social life you gotta put yourself out there. Im a senior too and im going to a CUNY and i have no job but ill resell %+*$. My social life aint the best but its not horrible
Originally Posted by CrunchyBlack9

Welcome to the real world. If you are gonna let that stop you, then you are in for a even ruder awakening. Taking L's are a part of life. Its how you react to them and learn from them that gets you to your next move which ultimately can be your best move. You better develop a thicker skin young buck!
CC for a year or two and transfer. You'll be fine, just make sure your new school accepts all your credits.
there are other schools out there bro. apply at some other places or just hit up CC... it's not the end of the world, trust me.
Ls aren't losers they'retrying lessons. Now that you know the sting of how this meals make it your goal to never have to feel it again
You didn't have any safety schools?

Apply at your local CC, if you can stay at home and save money. Or see about another CC nearby a desired school. Don't slack off, stay focused there, then transfer to a university. Use the experience of being rejected to remind yourself that things aren't always given to you. If you felt like you did everything you could then don't be discouraged.. Sometimes things just don't break your way.

Be positive and appreciate the good things in your life.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

CC for a year or two and transfer. You'll be fine, just make sure your new school accepts all your credits.
listen to this man. there's a ton of solid CC's in the Bay Area.
Go to a community college, get an associates and then transfer. You'll save yourself a ton of money in the process. You're a young guy and need to suck it up. Life throws this stuff at people all the time. Get a part time gig at Target or something while going to a CC. Life hasn't even started for you yet.
so ur gonna murk yourself because u didn't get into school? A co worker at the age of 20 died today from cancer, he had a future ahead of him, and here u are pouting about not getting into some freaking schools. I pray you dont murk youself, talk to somebody, get some help, you have so much to live for man . PLEase think about how great life can be. God bless
Originally Posted by wcghost

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

CC for a year or two and transfer. You'll be fine, just make sure your new school accepts all your credits.
listen to this man. there's a ton of solid CC's in the Bay Area.
Worked for OJ! 

HOF football career, Successful actor and pitch man, Bagged a Kardashian, Beat a murder rap! Almost L proof! 
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

CC for a year or two and transfer. You'll be fine, just make sure your new school accepts all your credits.

nothing wrong with going to CC
If you don't mind sharing, which colleges did you apply to and could you categorize them by safety, match, and reach?

It's been a ridiculous year. My alma mater's admission rate is down to 15%. I'm shocked every year at the rate.
Happened to a few of my friends, they moved on.
I got rejected for a few programs at my school, I moved on.

I know that if I remain focused and continue to work hard, I'll succeed.  (**I know this is not always the case, but you have to hope for it)

Anyways, just transfer in later.  It may be better/easier/cheaper in the long-run.  I never realized how many general classes they make you take
.I think people can get their degrees in less than 4 years, but that's a rant that I'll save for next time.
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