James Bond Vs. Bruce Wayne- who's got more swag?

Oct 7, 2007
Just a random question. Who do you guys think carry more of that "cool" factor? I think ima roll with 007 (random question on an unproductive Friday)
007, not even close... he doesn;t waste half his time making gadgets.... he spends that half sleeping with women
Bond easily - he cultivates it and uses it to his advantage.

Wayne has cultivated being a rich jerk to hide the fact that he's Batman.
Originally Posted by kdawg

Bond easily - he cultivates it and uses it to his advantage.

Wayne has cultivated being a rich jerk to hide the fact that he's Batman.

exactly what I was thinking
NIGHTWING has WAY MORE THEN both but on topic it James since Wayne doesn't get with HO's their just their for the photo op then on their way.
James Bond. He handles his business, in a perfectly tailored suit, then bags random supermodel types. Bruce Wayne? He's playing dress up and lamenting hisparent's deaths in a grimey underground cave full of bats. This is an easy decision.
WOW im watching the dark night right now and started thinking to myself man this dudes got swag. i was even trying to think who could have more than batman?bale did well for the role i think. realistically bond is a good choice. but if i had to choose im goin with bruce dub.
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