January '15 No-Fap Challenge vol: the entire year is too much

TAN bro...TAN

I think No Fap is affecting my taste in music.  Im having a weird obsession with this song.

I'm like just wishing my girl was like this right now.


It's like im fantasizing that my girl is saying this to me.

mannn no fap aint changing your taste in music 

Its cool if u like this song..im not gonna front I do

I like it but I never liked it like I do right now. Like I mustve played it like 20 times yesterday.

I think the song was speaking to me..telling me I need to mold my girl into this.
TAN bro...TAN

I think No Fap is affecting my taste in music.  Im having a weird obsession with this song.
I'm like just wishing my girl was like this right now.

It's like im fantasizing that my girl is saying this to me.
What you know about that Adina Howard young buck? That's classic music for that ***.

Im 7 days strong fellas.
I know some things old head.

Not gon lie it would be dope to smash to this song

Also I believe I'm currently at day 10.
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Hey NT Fam starting over today had a moment of weakness yesterday :smh: but today's a new day and I'm gonna be heading to the gym later to distract myself
I can't lie I've stumbled here recently.

luckily i work with this freak that's all about pleasing me.
so I've got a go to in my new town.
Went to the old website and realized, "this is subpar to the real thing..."

It's Friday. Holler at them tonight fellas and stay strong.
I wish I would have known the dangers of this stuff as a kid smh
I wish I never would've found that first scrambled porn channel actually works in black and white but no sound if you just let it sit for a while.
Channel 59 

No Fap for 10 days and I'm already feeling like I need to be on the prowl.

The gym will be crucial today.
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Channel 59 

No Fap for 10 days and I'm already feeling like I need to be on the prowl.

The gym will be crucial today.
haha it was channel 65 for me.  I was mad young, still in elementary school I think.  And there was this switch on the back of the cable box to disable it or not.  Thank god I found out about that switch lol.

19 days in, this my longest.
been no fap for 5 days and flatlining already... my mood today was just terrible like i dont care about anything.. my supervisor telling me things i made mistakes on and i just gave her the blank face like whatever :smh:
Do you guys think things like the voluptuous thread counts as porn?

I'm considering going on a 3 month hiatus from those threads as well as cleaning up my tumblr feed so I wont see those images.
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I feel like if you have to question it, then you shouldn't be doing it famb.  
I thought that was more a rule for relationships. Not for withdrawing from pr0n.

But I see your point.

Today while at work on lunch break I was like running n **** to burger king singing to my self some weird combo of do it to ya and freak like me

I'm like weirdly happy and friendly. No 24/7 new york mean mug. o_O 0.o o.0

And now I'm in a great mood for no reason.

My theory is its a biological/hormonal response.  Since I'm no longer relieving the tension myself, my body is in a way forcing me to be more open and thus accessible to the opposite sex.

Which while I'm sure its great for socialization, is pointless cuz i gotta girl.
I wish I would have known the dangers of this stuff as a kid smh

I wish I never would've found that first scrambled porn channel actually works in black and white but no sound if you just let it sit for a while.

Personal computer last summer in 7th grade :smh:

I got too much *** when I was at college out of state, came home with no roster, and discovered stars that I actually found attractive :smh:

Deadly combo for ya boy.
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I remember I did this last year and ended up busting in a girl after like 3 minutes.

She gave me the 
 and i ended my run after that.

Best of luck to ya'll though.
Soo here's the deal

7 days today

I feel good, but I wanna fap...not only because I wanna see what's popping online, but I might get some cheeks this weekend..but I don't want that to be the first time I bust because if that's the case, it will be dumb quick. (Although I'm sure my sensitivity will be on 100 so I'll be ready for a round 2 in 20 mins and be able to stay hard like rock)

Should I bite the bullet and rub one out right now? Or should I just save all of it for later in in the week?
I wouldn't go in that game loaded LOL
Do you guys think things like the voluptuous thread counts as porn?

I'm considering going on a 3 month hiatus from those threads as well as cleaning up my tumblr feed so I wont see those images.
Yes. Stay away. If you are trying to clear your mind of electronic females, leave it alone. All the same thing. Getting aroused from a female that isn't there
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