Jay- Rock- 90059- OUT NOW! Vice City Video Released

damn near 30 still set tripping, cuh wear you from? imma see about...


that fool Q is a problem.
Jay rock doesn't have mainstream appeal but he makes good music, he'll never sell tho.

These Days was garbage.
I wouldn't call it garbage but These Days was :smh:

especially considering how dope Control System was.

This album is :smokin tho

the joint with Isaiah Rashad is my favorite so far 8)
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I agree with These Days. Joint wasn't good compared to Control System. Listened to the first few tracks and so far so good.
These Days and 90059 are about the same to me in far of terms of replay value. Rocks album is decent but nothing really special....I am shocked at all of the love for the album on here. I think its a bit overrated on here IMO.

Both of the albums being discussed here are about 3.5/5. I just think people were so disappointed with These Days because the bar was set very high with Control System. TD isn't as good as CS but to call it garbage is a bit extreme.
Hopefully Follow Me Home is still hanging around my local Best Buy,never got my hard copy and that album was dope.
Am I the only one that has an issue with him rhyming off beat? Album is cool but him being offbeat annoys me at times. Gotta play it a few more times.
Copped yesterday and this is way better than These Days but I don't think it was better than Follow Me Home. The album is dope to me. Not a fan of the 2 in 1 songs that TDE artist do so often, I'd prefer 2 separate tracks. It makes it easier to repeat or skip the one you like/don't like.
I copped a physical copy today. My Best Buy didn't even have the album out. Had to ask them to get it out of the back. Smh. But I noticed that only TDE is on the case. So to sell 17,000 completely independent is great. Jay Rock just came through and got a quick 100k+. I'm sure physical copies will only raise that number.

But IMO TDE has botched their last two releases. People still buy physicals. If the digital releases days or a week before the physical, most people lose interest in buying the physical copy. I think if they made physical and digital available on the same day this and TPAB would have done better numbers. Just my 2 cents.
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Shame on me for not listening to this yet.

Vice City is so 

We need a Black Hippy project.
Even if Jay Rock was on a major, he'd do the same exact numbers. People overlook Jay Rock cause he's been out of the spotlight for a minute and he doesn't have the appeal a Q and Kendrick have. Especially for the mainstream.
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