Jim Carrey Spiritual Awakening.

Dec 18, 2009
Waxing Poetic about nothing.

But hey, as long as hes gained some perspective about the world at large, I can't knock that.

it seems that hes just rambling though...and I watched it twice to try and make sure I didn't miss anything.

On a side note I have to be wary of Jim Carrey on this topic...if he even has a topic...when he was with his ex-wife, Jenny Mccarthy, he had her spouting that non-sense about being ANTI-Vaccine and saying that it was the cause of Autism...which came out to be an utter and complete lie. I'm sure this ended up hurting a lot of people down the road, but we will never know.

I'm just saying, if he was with her for all those years, then imagine what he contributed to that.

You have to beware of pseudo-intellectuals because they never test their hypotheses. They run with the first thing they come up with and blow past all of the speed-bumps of evidence.
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Waxing Poetic about nothing.

But hey, as long as hes gained some perspective about the world at large, I can't knock that.

it seems that hes just rambling though...and I watched it twice to try and make sure I didn't miss anything.

On a side note I have to be wary of Jim Carrey on this topic...if he even has a topic...when he was with his ex-wife, Jenny Mccarthy, he had her spouting that non-sense about being ANTI-Vaccine and saying that it was the cause of Autism...which came out to be an utter and complete lie. I'm sure this ended up hurting a lot of people down the road, but we will never know.

I'm just saying, if he was with her for all those years, then imagine what he contributed to that.

You have to beware of pseudo-intellectuals because they never test their hypotheses. They run with the first thing they come up with and blow past all of the speed-bumps of evidence.
look at who did the study that proved this wrong.... it was funded by the vaccine companys
Originally Posted by kingjamesvehs

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Waxing Poetic about nothing.

But hey, as long as hes gained some perspective about the world at large, I can't knock that.

it seems that hes just rambling though...and I watched it twice to try and make sure I didn't miss anything.

On a side note I have to be wary of Jim Carrey on this topic...if he even has a topic...when he was with his ex-wife, Jenny Mccarthy, he had her spouting that non-sense about being ANTI-Vaccine and saying that it was the cause of Autism...which came out to be an utter and complete lie. I'm sure this ended up hurting a lot of people down the road, but we will never know.

I'm just saying, if he was with her for all those years, then imagine what he contributed to that.

You have to beware of pseudo-intellectuals because they never test their hypotheses. They run with the first thing they come up with and blow past all of the speed-bumps of evidence.
look at who did the study that proved this wrong.... it was funded by the vaccine companys
As someone who reads medical experiments and studies for money hear me out.

All of the anti-vaccine studies built upon information that was based on bad experiments done by other people and over time no one bothered to check the references they built upon.

The most famous anti-vaccine witch hunt surrounded the MMR vaccine in a 1998 report that said it caused autism...which was entirely fabricated

Most of them referenced this gentleman if traced far enough back: ANDREW WAKEFIELD. 

It was revealed in 2010 that this was ALL A LIE and they retracted the WHOLE STORY. 

All of the evidence was faked.

I suggest you do more research before you start to just say drug companies are always out to get you.

Yeah, they lie, and they cheat and they steal etc...but lets not blame EVERYTHING on them. 
Originally Posted by kingjamesvehs

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Waxing Poetic about nothing.

But hey, as long as hes gained some perspective about the world at large, I can't knock that.

it seems that hes just rambling though...and I watched it twice to try and make sure I didn't miss anything.

On a side note I have to be wary of Jim Carrey on this topic...if he even has a topic...when he was with his ex-wife, Jenny Mccarthy, he had her spouting that non-sense about being ANTI-Vaccine and saying that it was the cause of Autism...which came out to be an utter and complete lie. I'm sure this ended up hurting a lot of people down the road, but we will never know.

I'm just saying, if he was with her for all those years, then imagine what he contributed to that.

You have to beware of pseudo-intellectuals because they never test their hypotheses. They run with the first thing they come up with and blow past all of the speed-bumps of evidence.
look at who did the study that proved this wrong.... it was funded by the vaccine companys
How about NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Do your own research. I keep saying this.

The two things I keep effin repeating to people but no one cares or bothers to do:



This is why so many people can be easily manipulated into thinking the most idiotic things. It's amazing what you can get people to believe; those who just form opinions based on words, and not facts. (GOP supporters come to mind)
basically just him in manic mode. He has battled depression for awhile.

I agree with what he is saying to an extent...about being fully aware of yourself..but there is no ONE WAY - ONE MODE for everyone to be.

Our differences (and similarities) coexisting is what adds to beauty.

The only wave of thought everyone should ride is to be positive, understanding, loving and to live vicariously through others.
Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by kingjamesvehs

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Waxing Poetic about nothing.

But hey, as long as hes gained some perspective about the world at large, I can't knock that.

it seems that hes just rambling though...and I watched it twice to try and make sure I didn't miss anything.

On a side note I have to be wary of Jim Carrey on this topic...if he even has a topic...when he was with his ex-wife, Jenny Mccarthy, he had her spouting that non-sense about being ANTI-Vaccine and saying that it was the cause of Autism...which came out to be an utter and complete lie. I'm sure this ended up hurting a lot of people down the road, but we will never know.

I'm just saying, if he was with her for all those years, then imagine what he contributed to that.

You have to beware of pseudo-intellectuals because they never test their hypotheses. They run with the first thing they come up with and blow past all of the speed-bumps of evidence.
look at who did the study that proved this wrong.... it was funded by the vaccine companys
How about NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Do your own research. I keep saying this.

The two things I keep effin repeating to people but no one cares or bothers to do:



This is why so many people can be easily manipulated into thinking the most idiotic things. It's amazing what you can get people to believe; those who just form opinions based on words, and not facts. (GOP supporters come to mind)
Most idiots who are against vaccinations take for granted a lot of illnesses that plagued human beings in the past and still do in a lot of developing countries that are considered a non-factor in our society

When was the last time you heard of someone dying of small pox or measles? I love people who criticize certain aspects of medicine yet continue to reap the benefits of a continuously prolonging life span in the developed world-foolishness
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by kingjamesvehs

look at who did the study that proved this wrong.... it was funded by the vaccine companys
How about NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Do your own research. I keep saying this.

The two things I keep effin repeating to people but no one cares or bothers to do:



This is why so many people can be easily manipulated into thinking the most idiotic things. It's amazing what you can get people to believe; those who just form opinions based on words, and not facts. (GOP supporters come to mind)
Most idiots who are against vaccinations take for granted a lot of illnesses that plagued human beings in the past and still do in a lot of developing countries that are considered a non-factor in our society

When was the last time you heard of someone dying of small pox or measles? I love people who criticize certain aspects of medicine yet continue to reap the benefits of a continuously prolonging life span in the developed world-foolishness

They also forget that the whole anti-vaccine episode actually cost lives.
The incidences of MMR and other easily vaccinated diseases ROSE SIGNIFICANTLY in Great Britain and Europe while this crap was being spewed. 

Medicine isn't perfect and is sometimes crude and unrefined but dammit we're TRYING and its better than not doing anything at all. 

These things take time and I hate to see people undermine those efforts. 
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by kingjamesvehs

look at who did the study that proved this wrong.... it was funded by the vaccine companys
How about NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Do your own research. I keep saying this.

The two things I keep effin repeating to people but no one cares or bothers to do:



This is why so many people can be easily manipulated into thinking the most idiotic things. It's amazing what you can get people to believe; those who just form opinions based on words, and not facts. (GOP supporters come to mind)
Most idiots who are against vaccinations take for granted a lot of illnesses that plagued human beings in the past and still do in a lot of developing countries that are considered a non-factor in our society

When was the last time you heard of someone dying of small pox or measles? I love people who criticize certain aspects of medicine yet continue to reap the benefits of a continuously prolonging life span in the developed world-foolishness
It frustrates me so much. My school has a primate center, so you can just imagine what the animal activists do. I mean seriously they FREAK out about mice, so when it comes to primates....

Freaking threatening students and professors, fire bombing their cars, and their houses, the building itself.  It's ludicrous.

I don't like working with animals either, but it's a necessity.

Anyway, my point is these effers should just live in a cave then and not reap an benefit from modern science. If they aren't, then to me they are just big dumb hypocrites. 
Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

How about NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Do your own research. I keep saying this.

The two things I keep effin repeating to people but no one cares or bothers to do:



This is why so many people can be easily manipulated into thinking the most idiotic things. It's amazing what you can get people to believe; those who just form opinions based on words, and not facts. (GOP supporters come to mind)
Most idiots who are against vaccinations take for granted a lot of illnesses that plagued human beings in the past and still do in a lot of developing countries that are considered a non-factor in our society

When was the last time you heard of someone dying of small pox or measles? I love people who criticize certain aspects of medicine yet continue to reap the benefits of a continuously prolonging life span in the developed world-foolishness
It frustrates me so much. My school has a primate center, so you can just imagine what the animal activists do. I mean seriously they FREAK out about mice, so when it comes to primates....

Freaking threatening students and professors, fire bombing their cars, and their houses, the building itself.  It's ludicrous.

I don't like working with animals either, but it's a necessity.

Anyway, my point is these effers should just live in a cave then and not reap an benefit from modern science. If they aren't, then to me they are just big dumb hypocrites. 
I recently read an article that discussed this argument and basically said that with the advances in computer modeling that testing on apes is not nearly as important as it used to be.
Many countries have already banned testing on great apes and there is a bill in the US Congress to ban the practice.
Originally Posted by DwyaneWadeOG

Originally Posted by PleasurePhD

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Most idiots who are against vaccinations take for granted a lot of illnesses that plagued human beings in the past and still do in a lot of developing countries that are considered a non-factor in our society

When was the last time you heard of someone dying of small pox or measles? I love people who criticize certain aspects of medicine yet continue to reap the benefits of a continuously prolonging life span in the developed world-foolishness
It frustrates me so much. My school has a primate center, so you can just imagine what the animal activists do. I mean seriously they FREAK out about mice, so when it comes to primates....

Freaking threatening students and professors, fire bombing their cars, and their houses, the building itself.  It's ludicrous.

I don't like working with animals either, but it's a necessity.

Anyway, my point is these effers should just live in a cave then and not reap an benefit from modern science. If they aren't, then to me they are just big dumb hypocrites. 
I recently read an article that discussed this argument and basically said that with the advances in computer modeling that testing on apes is not nearly as important as it used to be.
Many countries have already banned testing on great apes and there is a bill in the US Congress to ban the practice.
LULZ that's all I can say. LOL if you think our bioinformatic analysis is advanced enough and can take place of in vivo animal studies.

Think about it this way. If we knew everything there is to know about a primate (closest relative to a human) well enough that we could recreate it's entire system in a computer simulation model, do you really think we would even need to do any more research at all?

Yes, our computer modeling is becoming very advanced., I have worked on a lot of bioinformatics, but ASK ANY SCIENTIST AND HE OR SHE WILL TELL YOU IN THE GRAND SCHEME OF IT ALL, WE DON'T KNOW JACK ABOUT THE BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS THAT CONTROL LIVING SPECIES. Certainly not well enough to model the whole system in a computer. I mean hell we are still discovering new proteins, or functions for proteins.

Edit: Apes =/= monkeys so they might be banning apes, but not other non-human primates.

Edit: Show me a program that can exactly mimic the biological response to a new small molecule drug: everything from the gene expression, to the physiological effects on all organs, to the biodistrubution and metabolism, and I will believe you. Until then, I hate to say it, but without that it's all just propaganda. Unless of course they were talking about the future, which then I will not disagree.
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