Joe Rogan Podcast

Not sure if posted somewhere else.

even like Jeffery Epstein a dude who was actually involved in a child trafficking conspiracy. He wasn't snatching people off the street

he was praying on vulnerable young girls, aka homeless, need money separated from family.
Yup, a majority of girl's/women I've personally seen Epstein with were European. He had an assistant that spoke their language. I'm surprised she hasn't been on the news more.
The segment where he talked about how/why he was drugged up in the hospital was kinda sad man. Especially when ROgan was asking him, "Why did you let them do IT." Kanye couldn't look him in the eyes. Sad man.

Abortion: The overlooked tragedy for black Americans

Had to fact check Kanye, he wasn't wrong here.

in 2011 360,000 black babies were aborted.

Is Kanye's eps worth listening to?
I would say yes. It wouldn't hurt.
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I am about 60% done.

Not much humor.

A whole lot of Kanye rambling but if you can sift through that, you will see what he is trying to say.

Yes he is easy to dismiss but I feel like there is some substance in there.

Not for everyone of course.

Brilliant Idiot
I am about 60% done.

Not much humor.

A whole lot of Kanye rambling but if you can sift through that, you will see what he is trying to say.

Yes he is easy to dismiss but I feel like there is some substance in there.

Not for everyone of course.

Brilliant Idiot

holy crap...this **** is 3 hours long lmao

we gonna need u do NT a solid & write up a TLDW
I am about 60% done.

Not much humor.

A whole lot of Kanye rambling but if you can sift through that, you will see what he is trying to say.

Yes he is easy to dismiss but I feel like there is some substance in there.

Not for everyone of course.

Brilliant Idiot
I haven't finished it either but as I was listening it sounded like he was rambling going on tangents at first but then would eventually bring around full circle.

Rogan is asking Kanye some , "When you become president, how will you....." questions. Stumped him a few times.

One question stumped him so bad that it made Kanye PAUSE to say a prayer ON AIR. :rofl: He legit paused for like 7 seconds. :lol:

RustyShackleford RustyShackleford We should have did the Watch-A-Long man. :smh:
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Abortion: The overlooked tragedy for black Americans

Had to fact check Kanye, he wasn't wrong here.

in 2011 360,000 black babies were aborted.

I would say yes. It wouldn't hurt.
The guy who wrote the column is a Bible thumping Republican who thinks people who have an abortion should be prosecuted. Calling it a "tragedy" lol. There should be more Planned Parenthoods especially in red states. The real tragedy is lack of healthcare for these women. Pro-lifers love to pull scripture out their *** but won't say **** about kids in cages or Trump's admin cutting families off food stamps. (If not for the pandemic that would've gone into effect)
The guy who wrote the column is a Bible thumping Republican who thinks people who have an abortion should be prosecuted. Calling it a "tragedy" lol. There should be more Planned Parenthoods especially in red states. Pro-lifers love to pull scripture out their *** but won't say **** about kids in cages or Trump's admin cutting families off food stamps. (If not for the pandemic that would've gone into effect)

I was solely looking at the stats because Kanye claimed 1000 black babies got aborted each day.
Joe and Alex probably hang out all the time now.

This could be good. I usually don't listen to 3 hour podcast in one go. I'll do an hour at a time and slowly make my way threw it during the week. I don't listen to him unless he has a guest on a care about, so it's easy to do and stay caught up on.
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