Joe Rogan Podcast

I ain’t think Dave would do it...He does have shows here in Houston this weekend.
been saying this dude being legitimized by spotify has pushed the line towing of the "annoyed white men's rights activist" persona. they've traded their surplus affliction t shirt collections for yellow and black fred perry shirts, microphones and grievance-baiting politics. imagine a white man flipping it to the point where his narrative becomes one of victimization and oppression.
Unless they did something really, really stupid and bad, most of the "canceled" people by the so-called woke mob seems to be doing just fine. It's like they weren't even cancelled. People really need to let the whole "woke mob" thing go. They don't really have as much power as some believe.

As for Rogan, I only listen when he has a guest on I care about. That means maybe an episode every two months or so.

He's so open minded, I really wish he'd have a guest on that would challenge his viewpoints (whatever they really are). There's been guest on in the past that could have done that, but they mainly just joked around when they were on his show. Was a little disappointed in that.
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