Joe Rogan Podcast

The long winded explanations for this are hilarious, whether he's reciting in this or not we know what it is with dude

They are beyond the pale many of those people, beyond the pale,” Biden continued. “And it’s a sad commentary on society. We have no choice but to take them out of society.”

Biden described a “cadre of young people, tens of thousands of them, born out of wedlock, without parents, without supervision, without any structure, without any conscience developing because they literally … because they literally have not been socialized, they literally have not had an opportunity.”

Totally not a guy who uses the N word :lol::lol::lol:



DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican , you right :lol:. And Zainjal26 Zainjal26 truly been exposing himself. It’s hilarious to watch

Shulz owes Rogan his real career. One episode on JRE, opened Shulz and Flagrant 2 to an entire audience and boosted him tremendously.

Way more than CTG ever could have. It’s funny, because Shulz is low key Shtttn on CTG now, since he’s arguably bigger :lol:

“Rogan hit job”

Gonna need more context than that:rofl::rofl:

Rogaine’s platform is definitely what cult leaders aspire to have, especially with the kind of gullible audience it has.

I think he means they'll be removing all the joey diaz episodes next

I don't even know how you begin to deal with all the **** that Joey has said :lol:

The rest of his comic friends who make public shows of support will be getting vetted by twitter i'm sure.

I already saw that Schaub suggested other comics from the Rogan 'tree' should pull their shows off spotify if Rogan gets yanked.
Nice for him. He is still a racist.

This is a post from me in here from Feb 14th 2019

That was from another time the Planet of the Apes thing was posted on Twitter

People have been bringing this up, even before 2019

Rogan had years to explain himself and offer an apology.

Yet Joe Rogan was more focused with complaining about left-wing racism toward white people
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did you rally around the police when people were exposing police brutality?

sounds like your cool with racism, misinformation, misogyny, transphobia, and homophobia.

basically hate.

you're making accusations about that poster that you cant back up

the problem that arises from this kind of ethical policing of content arises when people feel like the people they support or or the ideologies they support are being "unfairly" attacked in a way that one side gets to decide whats acceptable for everyone else without them getting a say

how would you feel if these joe rogan supporters came out and said the following:

"you know what, thats fine, we dont condone racism and were fine with spotify removing all racist content. we also dont condone misogny and would like to see ALL misogynist content removed from spotify. not just some. ALL misogynist content"

if you subscribe to spotify, are you ready to accept that? ALL misogynist content?
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