word to the wise when it comes to finishline.....all the  stores received their shipments that are getting.....there won't be any more than that initial list

finishline warehouse got the product last monday first shipments were in stores weds 2nd batch went out tues received thurs and some stores got fri as well

and the rest of the stock made in yesterday and today...thats just how they ship

19 stores is the final list....a release like this they doesn't get drop ship....something like the 3 lab 5's will get dropped shipped 
Just able to secure my pair. Funny thing is only 10 people in line and everyone wanted gamma 12s lol
your waiting in line now for friday?  
word to the wise when it comes to finishline.....all the  stores received their shipments that are getting.....there won't be any more than that initial list

finishline warehouse got the product last monday first shipments were in stores weds 2nd batch went out tues received thurs and some stores got fri as well

and the rest of the stock made in yesterday and today...thats just how they ship

19 stores is the final list....a release like this they doesn't get drop ship....something like the 3 lab 5's will get dropped shipped 
Good info. What's the NYC tri-state area list look like? I'm assuming just Willowbrook
word to the wise when it comes to finishline.....all the  stores received their shipments that are getting.....there won't be any more than that initial list

finishline warehouse got the product last monday first shipments were in stores weds 2nd batch went out tues received thurs and some stores got fri as well

and the rest of the stock made in yesterday and today...thats just how they ship

19 stores is the final list....a release like this they doesn't get drop ship....something like the 3 lab 5's will get dropped shipped 
Good info. What's the NYC tri-state area list look like? I'm assuming just Willowbrook

Yeah, it's going to be a mad house up there. You got some spots by you or you taking the online route?

Can someone please post the backdoor link?

Thanks in advance

Not sure if serious ... well I hope not :smh:
Well going down for Christmas to my Lady's in Orlando. Fcfs according to the locator. She said she is down to come with me to camp and I dont mind taking her there because they are super organized. We'll bond even more hopefully :lol:

Orlando Florida mall?

that thing is not organized unless things have change from last year when people would stand in the parking lot across the street and sprint over once mall security says its ok to be on the property
Orlando Florida mall?

that thing is not organized unless things have change from last year when people would stand in the parking lot across the street and sprint over once mall security says its ok to be on the property
I dont know why they arent doing tickets.. its the only place not doing tickets.. smh.. oh well should be an easy cop online. 
Orlando Florida mall?

that thing is not organized unless things have change from last year when people would stand in the parking lot across the street and sprint over once mall security says its ok to be on the property
last year when? I was there for the all star release this year.
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