Just Don x Air Jordan 2

If you change your mind they give you up to one hour to cancell and you won't be charged. Happened to me with the maroon vi's
If you change your mind they give you up to one hour to cancell and you won't be charged. Happened to me with the maroon vi's
thats good to know. Let's see if they hold up tho.

Just went and entered my 5th account 
 Will be relieved if 1 account goes thru or none at all 
Hopefully one day it will come into style. 

I just hope this doesn't become the norm with non collab releases down the line. After fire $300 packs like the '06 DMP this is just disgraceful. I remember the OG Thunder 4 being a little ridiculous at $500 with the jacket. Only saw those on a few people's feet back then. Most were resold at $800 and when there was no limited hype on the re-release it was just another shoe.
I have to say though props to Nike on this kind of release. It is more fair to those who actually want them since you are charged when you win. There's no adding to cart bragging bs and feeling out the demand with this method.
first I'm buying lotto tickets. Then I'm going to bless 4 friends or strangers with pairs for retail. I got that good money size 


I have to say though props to Nike on this kind of release. It is more fair to those who actually want them since you are charged when you win. There's no adding to cart bragging bs and feeling out the demand with this method.

I'll give them props.

BUT for the location exclusive raffles, like the 21 Mercer NYC raffle on Thursday.. there needs to be away for them to ONLY accept NYC raffle entries. Just like how Adidas does it, share your location and only accept people within certain parameters. (obviously there are still ways around this)
I entered Nike raffle but def dont expect to win that BS.anyone found a solution to this justdon issue?
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