Just Don x Air Jordan 2

Posted by @j23app

New stock photos...

 Usually when the photos are imposed on the colored backgrounds, they're NikeLab drops (all the Frag collabs, Footscapes, SFBs, AM1 collabs).  Lab usually means 1PM EST.

Complete and utter speculation.  Hopefully NDC/NikeLab will tweet something prior to Sat.
NikeLab ever release on a Saturday?
i said it was a lab drop pgs ago...all collabs are & will be until they cook up something else with a catchy name
And does it really matter if it's 275 or around 350? If your not gonna cop for 75 more dollars then you originally wanted to then you really don't want them that bad imo
people are saying 250 ,300,350,375 ok I should be more specifics..... Retail 250/375- whats 125 dollars of your already soending 250. That's my point DH
This is exactly what I said yesterday..the people that really want these will spend that $275 or $350.. if you're on the fence over $75 then maybe thats your priorities talkin to you..
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