Kanye Bossed up With Kim .. hops out a Gold Lambo dressed as Batman with Catwoman Kim

my body is ready

I liked that leopard costume that kim posted last year or year before on twitter better though
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 Is all I need to say
This dude Kanye has the #poorest Batman costume I've ever seen bruh. Dude is literally wearing a stocking cap over his face with a batman masquerade ball mask on over it.

Kim looking bad as ever though.
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they couldnt get some better looking costumes ? :lol:

i see you though ye pullin up in that bruce wayne :smokin
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Ye should have had the most professional Batman costume, plated and everything. He shows up in a mediocre Walmart one. 
Kanye :smh: you got all the $ in the world & show up in that StruggleMan costume

I've seen better homemade outfits @ comic book conventions/midnight movie premieres

this. dude could easily afford the actual costume from the movies...whats with this salvation army costume.

am i the only one who thinks a gold car is tacky as hell?
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