Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

Awards are so sketchy they can’t even be taken seriously. Companies/people who make money off the artists are also responsible for awarding them? Ahhh anyone see the problem here?

Scores for music is also trash. What’s the metric for Picasso’s work? Those scores are once again generated to funnel money a certain direction, create a buzz, and to justify the purchases of the weak minded
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“Critics” are also as susceptible to the “influence” of the industry as anyone.

If you can “pay for play”, you don’t think you can finesse reviews?

I don't follow TMZ too much so I can't give you h
I don't follow TMZ too much so I can't give you his name, but the host didn't really challenge him in that moment so much as let him double down in his stance. When I say challenge I mean pointing out that he's wrong, explaining why and then giving him a chance to rebuttal.

Van did challenge him but not directly on that comment and not immediately in that moment. I just wish someone shut that **** down from jump...wonder how he could have handled that.

But he was indeed challenged on other points and responded with hugs.

Seems like he was there to get his “ideas” off more than he was interested in actual discourse.
But he was indeed challenged on other points and responded with hugs.

Seems like he was there to get his “ideas” off more than he was interested in actual discourse.

Thats what I got from it. It seemed like he was just there to have his voice heard.
I don't think he was expecting someone to stand up and say something.

Those TMZ hosts aren't looking to challenge Kanye intellectually. Its not their fight. They want to be the platform for his voice, no matter how ignorant, to drive revenue back to them.
Love the Gambino song/video

However, it's def a formula now to make music with that content to make everyone :wow:
just like Kendrick winning the Pulitzer for Damn, like tpab never came out...
Love the Gambino song/video

However, it's def a formula now to make music with that content to make everyone :wow:
just like Kendrick winning the Pulitzer for Damn, like tpab never came out...

I hope the formula sticks. You get them nodding along to the music and the message will penetrate the subconscious. That's one of the reasons TPAB was inaccessible to a lot of people.

Like Andre said, "yall don't wanna hear me you just wanna dance".
so why even acknowledge what he said?

so its more like: “That beat is so dope, so i dont gaf what Kanye said about slavery"
Except his words are being used by racists to justify their racism.

So, I'm very much gonna gaf.
Except his words are being used by racists to justify their racism.

So, I'm very much gonna gaf.

what does that have to do with your misinterpretation of ‘redeeming in the public eye’?

regardless of racists using his words as justification

redemption in the public eye means forgiveness, not agreement

**** are you even talking about
Boy took a **** on generations of organized killings, slavery, rape, brainwashing and breeding. Go ahead, redeem away....

its a question

its how discussion works

you dudes seem to miss that part

it doesnt say agree or disagree

but like clockwork, out comes the pitchforks
The question isn't really a good one though.

How the hell we supposed to know how he can redeem himself to the general public?

He made dumb *** statements, publicly. If anything he should apologize and start reading so he can actually be knowledgeable of the subjects he's speaking on instead of looking like an idiot saying stupid stuff then asking for hugs and tossing out "I love yous" like a significant other that doesn't want to admit they're wrong when challenged.
The question isn't really a good one though.

How the hell we supposed to know how he can redeem himself to the general public?

He made dumb *** statements, publicly. If anything he should apologize and start reading so he can actually be knowledgeable of the subjects he's speaking on instead of looking like an idiot saying stupid stuff then asking for hugs and tossing out "I love yous" like a significant other that doesn't want to admit they're wrong when challenged.
I mean why does someone need to be redeemed in the first place. Billions of other people on earth. He’s done, move on to someone else.
I mean why does someone need to be redeemed in the first place. Billions of other people on earth. He’s done, move on to someone else.

Oh yeah I fully agree, not everyone needs or deserves redemption. But this could really bring him back to earth.

The cover with the crown of thorns and then a song called "I Am A God" was really showing folks where his head is at. ***** really thought he was invincible now he's out here lookin crazy and acting like a victim.

Free thinking but parroting Fox News talking points and refusing to read :lol:
Free thinking but parroting Fox News talking points and refusing to read :lol:

THIS. the redemption thing is very binary and i think most people are still gonna listen to the music and what not but will kinda have a different respect for him now when it comes to non-music things. like he made it very, very clear he's not CD kanye anymore. the redemption thing is also kinda stupid because its like he committed some crime. he just exposed himself as being very out of touch and straight up stupid. not sure redemption really applies here.
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