Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

Source close to Trump say's there are no plans to have Kanye and Kaepernick visit the white house.


-A person familiar with the White House's position said, 'There are no plans for an imminent summit to occur'
-A source said Chief of Staff John Kelly fumed, 'Who in the f*** would have a race summit before the mid-term election, are you kidding me?'
-A White House official claimed Kelly was upset by reports making it sound like the summit could happen next week but wants a summit to happen
-Black Republicans and aides to Trump warn him that the summit could be used by invitees such as Kaepernick to call the president a racist to his face
Kanye West is too strong to be 'used for political purposes' says Sarah Palin


Former Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin praised rapper Kanye West on Thursday night for jumping aboard the Make America Great Again train and braving the slings and arrows of fans and fellow artists who have turned their backs on him as a result.

'I think there is nothing more attractive than to find out that a talent, a strong talent, has this pronouncement that they are an independent thinker,' she said in Washington during a fundraiser for the MAGA Coalition super PAC.
Kanye West is too strong to be 'used for political purposes' says Sarah Palin


Former Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin praised rapper Kanye West on Thursday night for jumping aboard the Make America Great Again train and braving the slings and arrows of fans and fellow artists who have turned their backs on him as a result.

'I think there is nothing more attractive than to find out that a talent, a strong talent, has this pronouncement that they are an independent thinker,' she said in Washington during a fundraiser for the MAGA Coalition super PAC.

Such a PR response and BTW, how's she still relevant?
Kanye West is too strong to be 'used for political purposes' says Sarah Palin


Former Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin praised rapper Kanye West on Thursday night for jumping aboard the Make America Great Again train and braving the slings and arrows of fans and fellow artists who have turned their backs on him as a result.

'I think there is nothing more attractive than to find out that a talent, a strong talent, has this pronouncement that they are an independent thinker,' she said in Washington during a fundraiser for the MAGA Coalition super PAC.

I wonder how many Yeezys Sarah Palin has bought, or how many of his concerts she’s attended..
It’s funny
People saying
That’s Kanye being Kanye
Well if this is him being himself
He’s been real dumb
And impressionable
This whole time
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