Kids react to walkmans VOL. I'm feeling old now

Nope, never seen either of those re-winders before. Damn, y'all must have had rich parents were living the life of luxury!
it was sooooo much easier to have you cheats ready on test day wit tapes spent the whole night reading notes and next had that back of the class hoody combo
it was sooooo much easier to have you cheats ready on test day wit tapes spent the whole night reading notes and next had that back of the class hoody combo

you would have been caught the first time you attempted where i was schooled
couldn't wear hats & defiantly couldn't drape a hood over your head during an exam
that includes college

your story sounds cool tho
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Let me take it even further:

If you don't know what that tiny red car does, then you'd have no idea what I just posted if there was no illustration

I used to turn the handle so fast it ripped off so many tapes near the end of the roll LOL
 Holy f bro. Never seen that type of tape rewinder.

Only know about putting the tape in the vcr, pressing stop, then pressing rew.
I used to take my peoples old jazz cassettes and record over them with cuts from the radio. Pops went to listen to some Miles Davis and got woke the $$&@ up by some Wu. Then my bro got the dual deck boom box that let you dub tapes and it was a wrap after that. Then I copped the sony discman, my pants must have been dumb baggy cuz that €£¥+ was a brick and probably wouldnt't fit in my back pockets now.
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