Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you Dr. Khallid Muhammad VS Phil Donahue (43 mins vid)

When Khallid died so died all of the Black Activism that was bubbling in the 90's.

Hasn't been back since.
^^^ activism turned into economics.....jay z is makin $$$ moves black hood folks could only dream of back in the day....success is the best revenge sort of thing.....

that's how i see talks BS walks. but that Jay Z (and others like him did it through creativity speaks volumes.

i'm a dark skin mayan descendant and as much as i want to hate white folks i just can't......sure they may have their flaws (like all walks of life) but they do some pretty cool things (like all walks of life).

and as for $$$ speaking volumes it does (to a point)....

the mind/creativity behind the $$$ is what matters more....

greedy people will never fully understand this
all i have say is, if he couldn't rouse those docile cowards then i don't know who can and so the cycle continues....i am so disappointed by people who look like me.
all they are good at is whining and complaining and looking for a handouts
Ahhh I remembered the OG thread of this video

Khalid Muhammed is an extremist. My dad was angry as hell when he walked into the room and saw me watching this video
This is a very sharp man. He's adament in his beliefs, and you HAVE to respect that. Weather you agree or not. He's well versed.
Imagine all the tension in there. The Caucasian audience was predominantly older folk, who would have been the firefighters hosing down minorities in the 50s/60s and policemen making unfair arrests.

Not saying all of them were racist, but I'd be naive to say that the majority of them weren't.
I yearn for a black leader with this type of passion but with a better message, that is all. 
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

His oratory abilities are inspirational.
Hitler was a great orator too. You respect him as well?
Nice try with that reach. Unlike Hitler, Khalid didn't preach hate. Black love =/= White hate.
This ties in to that Tariq thread. Once again a lot of truth was spoken as far as creating awareness goes. Not really surprised the white ppl in the audience and even Phil don't understand what is actually being talked about. Can't preach hate when the fact of the matter is that its all around us, that's just an observational fact. Of course these ppl can not accept or face some of these ongoing atrocities for what they are so they result to trying to vilify the man making a stand.

I understand ppl wanting a peaceful resolution and unity and not wanting to advocate murder or other atrocities in civilization but you first have to understand if this is even a civil situation. You can't approach a goal with pacifistic means in the middle of a war and when I say war you'd have to recognize the several ways in which a war can be held.

@ that last comment about the race war. Son was wylin
I respect the knowledge and self acknowledgement of exhibited in the video.. I do feel though that where many of these people go wrong is in their militant approach and if they only went about things with a diff approach the could achieve much more success... This approach will never achieve the desired results in this country by the nation and it's followers.. Much of what he's speaking historically holds validity .. You can trace a good amount of where the black community struggles today to what is being said here.. The problem is that black folks have been pitted against each other for so long that even the Nation has proven to be it's biggest own enemy, EX: Malcolm Little... In the times when this group had the most potential and even proved to be a worthy adversary for it's biggest enemy (the U.S. Gov't) it was proven that it would fall apart under it's own weight... In addition to the fact that the guy they idolize most (Elijah Muhammad) has been caught in the middle of just as many sex scandals as the next religious leader... That's where they lose.. Idolizing a human as if he's sent from Allah. SIGH..

On the Next Maury.. Elijah Muhammad you ARE THE FATHER!
Lady with the "Jewish holocaust was the greatest atrocity ever recorded, ours was not recorded." Great comment - Great vid.
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