Lamar Odom done with Dallas

Originally Posted by Savraj1

lol at Dallas and Odom. Dallas for thinking that he would produce and him for being a bum.


why wouldn't dallas think he'd produce? he was sixth man of the year just a season ago.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Damn y'all are act harsh

Bunch of tough guy acts; nothing more.
What do you want us to do? Raid his house and steal his jewelry?

Only reason why most people are harsh is because dude is mentally incompetent. Lakers fans were same way when he was in town.
Damn, how high is the bar set when a Sixth Man OTY and a 2-time champion* is an underachiever?

And how naive, shortsighted, and idealistic are the people setting the bar?

* Save the rhetoric about other bums who have rings. Lamar was a huge contributor to all 3 Finals apprarances, and obviously both rings; HUGE contributor.
The bar is set when you clearly have the toolset to be more than you put out on the floor. Same issue people had with Sheed. Sheed should have been one of the best PFs of all time.
Are we criticizing Lamar for not reaching his potential? Or are we criticizing him because he didnt work out with the Mavs?

Regardless, some of yall tossing insults at dude like he committed a crime or something

And stop with the "oh he makes millions of dollars, he should be doing this, i know i would have." That argument is so stupid.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Damn y'all are act harsh

Bunch of tough guy acts; nothing more.
What do you want us to do? Raid his house and steal his jewelry?

Only reason why most people are harsh is because dude is mentally incompetent. Lakers fans were same way when he was in town.
My reply wasn't intended for your kind. You're just an angry Mavs fan; nothing wrong w/ that. I'm talking about these dolts talking wreckless like Lamar stole THEIR jewelry or something, calling him this, that, and the third, deciding what he don't deserve like they got life all figured out. Just tough guy acts; nothing more.
Us Laker fans have been complaining about his inconsistency for years. Dude can be incredible and than be a complete non factor in the same game.

He definitely is talented and should have been an All-Star over Pau Gasol last season. Dude went from sixth man of the year to being one of the worse players in the NBA.

I can't think of anyone whose fallen off that hard after doing so much the season before.
Originally Posted by MaxElite

Are we criticizing Lamar for not reaching his potential? Or are we criticizing him because he didnt work out with the Mavs?
For me, both. With the talent & ability La La Lamar has, he should be a beast. Kevin Durant has the game Lamar should have, only Lamar has a natural ability to handle the ball & pass that Durant currently does not have.

@ taking height & skillset and using that as a springboard to what YOU decide should be accomplished

D-Miles says hi. Asked why y'all forgot about him.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

The bar is set when you clearly have the toolset to be more than you put out on the floor. Same issue people had with Sheed. Sheed should have been one of the best PFs of all time.
^ & my response to Ska would be that.

A 6th man award? This dude was suppose "That Guy" coming out of high school. The amount of money he's earned throughout his career you would think he was multiple time All-Star with some scattered All-NBA appearances.

I'm not condemning fam to hell; I'm saying he could've and should've did more. Dude is an underachiever. 
I think we hit a nerve with the president of Lamar's fan club. Tell Miles I said hello & that I hope he's paying his taxes & invested his dough wisely.

I'm defintely a Lamar apologist, no doubt. But it's because of all the ***+!%#% he's been through; I'm a fan of people rising up from trauma. Always have been.

And to hear people talk like "Oh, that %##$ shouldn't matter" is so shortsighted, immature, insensitive, and annoying.

I can understand frustrated Mavs fans; perfect gripe.

I hear you, basketball fans saying he should have accomished more. I mean, like I said, though, a couple rings out of three trips and a 6thMOTY award ain't too shabby.

But you dudes playing god are on one.
Lamar has been through a great amount of pain and death throughout his life... So i could totally understand how this could take a great toll on someone mentally.

I'm sure the worst pain he's ever felt was waking up and realizing that he lives in Dallas.
Originally Posted by psk2310

Originally Posted by MaxElite

Are we criticizing Lamar for not reaching his potential? Or are we criticizing him because he didnt work out with the Mavs?
For me, both. With the talent & ability La La Lamar has, he should be a beast. Kevin Durant has the game Lamar should have, only Lamar has a natural ability to handle the ball & pass that Durant currently does not have.

You cant be serious fam, any credibility you mightve had went out the window with that statement.

Only thing those 2 have common is their height, Kevin Durant is a perimeter player with unlimited range....Odom is a jack of all trades type of dude who never lived up to his potential.

Im still trying to figure out what Odom did for dudes to to say he should be blackballed, never put on another jersey, callin him every name in the book.

Did he rape a chic in the locker room, go in the stands and knock out a 10 yr old, was he banging kobes wife ? What exactly did he do so bad that hes condemned to hell ?

Oh, he had a terrible nba season after catching feelings and asking/forcing a trade,  thats it...its not really that serious.

And if he should be blackballed i guess Artess should face a firing squad for that palace brawl.
dont know how people can back up lamar
sure you have lots of personal problems but lets be realistic, he is only playing like trash because he was butt hurt over the trade
yes the personal issues are a factor but the main reason was the trade
and its not like the team dont support him. players, coaches and mark cuban showed him mad support and love for this bum %#@ and this is what he do to repay us
if you are not fit and ready to play, then dont freaking play and save us the time and frustration in dealing with this
go take a year off or something, but dont flat out lie and say i am ready when u are not and then disappoint everyone that have so much expectations from you, in turn doing more damage then good for the team.

Speaking for myself, im not backing him up at all...seriously, when i found out that he was traded and the circumstances behind i wanted to choke dude.( im a laker fan)

Im just not quite ready to throw him in a bottomless pit yet, thats all...he had a horrible waste of a season but like ska said some people go to far and act like hes had a greg oden career or something.
Being a laker fan, I would take him back in a heartbeat.

Maybe this was all a huge plan to get revenge on the Mavericks for last season.
It's such a shame to see Lamar's career going down like this but he is who he is, an ultimate underachiever who often catch feelings. And I actually loved watching this dude when he was in college and in Clippers. But like rest of Clips during that time, he's yet another underachiever. It's so sad because the dude had some nice game in him when he was young. He'll still do decent but then again, he's like emo version of Ron Artest, you don't know what the hell you are going to get.  
I just read a report that him and Cuban had a shouting match during the halftime against Griz last Saturday. Cuban basically called him out and asked him if Lamar's 'in or out'. 
Originally Posted by MJsaver

Originally Posted by psk2310

Originally Posted by MaxElite

Are we criticizing Lamar for not reaching his potential? Or are we criticizing him because he didnt work out with the Mavs?
For me, both. With the talent & ability La La Lamar has, he should be a beast. Kevin Durant has the game Lamar should have, only Lamar has a natural ability to handle the ball & pass that Durant currently does not have.

You cant be serious fam, any credibility you mightve had went out the window with that statement.

Only thing those 2 have common is their height, Kevin Durant is a perimeter player with unlimited range....Odom is a jack of all trades type of dude who never lived up to his potential.

Im still trying to figure out what Odom did for dudes to to say he should be blackballed, never put on another jersey, callin him every name in the book.

Did he rape a chic in the locker room, go in the stands and knock out a 10 yr old, was he banging kobes wife ? What exactly did he do so bad that hes condemned to hell ?

Oh, he had a terrible nba season after catching feelings and asking/forcing a trade,  thats it...its not really that serious.

And if he should be blackballed i guess Artess should face a firing squad for that palace brawl.

I've been watching basketball longer than you've known what a basketball is.

With Odom's skillset, he should've been every bit the player that Durant is now but he's coasted most of his career. When he's on, dude is a force to deal with plus he can defend mulitple positions easily when he wants to. I remember he got Jim Harrick's RI team an A10 championship & a run into the tourney (I can't remember how far they went into the tourney though) & that squad didn't have anyone outside of Odom. If this dude had the work ethic or will to attack, it would've been great to see.

I'm also not saying he should be blackballed, but here's yet another example of today's athelete with no heart & no idea what it means to be a pro. Funny people on NT always quick to say someone lost credibility when they express an opinion like their the official keeper of all opinions or taste. We're good though ok?

Glad you took my joke in stride. It's all good.
Psk unless you're over 50 years old ain't know way in hell you've been watching hoops that much longer than me.

Trust I'm not a dude who attacks every opinion I disagree with, I usually take the agree to disagree stance.

Fam, you're way of base saying Odom and Durant "should" have the same game. What're u basing that opinion on other than their height similarity? Durant is closer to Dirk and Odom is closer to Boris Diaw, these 2 dudes play nothing alike. And it has nothing to do with Odoms work ethic which is what u said. Odom could work his whole life and probly wouldn't have the stroke that Durant has, which is the foundation of Durants game.

Call Odom the all time NBA underachiever, I'm cool with that. But to say him and Durant should have the same game is ridiculous..opinion or not.
Originally Posted by psk2310

Originally Posted by MJsaver

Originally Posted by psk2310

For me, both. With the talent & ability La La Lamar has, he should be a beast. Kevin Durant has the game Lamar should have, only Lamar has a natural ability to handle the ball & pass that Durant currently does not have.

You cant be serious fam, any credibility you mightve had went out the window with that statement.

Only thing those 2 have common is their height, Kevin Durant is a perimeter player with unlimited range....Odom is a jack of all trades type of dude who never lived up to his potential.

Im still trying to figure out what Odom did for dudes to to say he should be blackballed, never put on another jersey, callin him every name in the book.

Did he rape a chic in the locker room, go in the stands and knock out a 10 yr old, was he banging kobes wife ? What exactly did he do so bad that hes condemned to hell ?

Oh, he had a terrible nba season after catching feelings and asking/forcing a trade,  thats it...its not really that serious.

And if he should be blackballed i guess Artess should face a firing squad for that palace brawl.

I've been watching basketball longer than you've known what a basketball is.

With Odom's skillset, he should've been every bit the player that Durant is now but he's coasted most of his career. When he's on, dude is a force to deal with plus he can defend mulitple positions easily when he wants to. I remember he got Jim Harrick's RI team an A10 championship & a run into the tourney (I can't remember how far they went into the tourney though) & that squad didn't have anyone outside of Odom. If this dude had the work ethic or will to attack, it would've been great to see.

I'm also not saying he should be blackballed, but here's yet another example of today's athelete with no heart & no idea what it means to be a pro. Funny people on NT always quick to say someone lost credibility when they express an opinion like their the official keeper of all opinions or taste. We're good though ok?

Glad you took my joke in stride. It's all good.
That shot he made to send them to the Tourney against Temple was ridiculous.
Sure, you put Kobe or MJ's brain in Lamar and he would've been one of the all-time greats.

Fact is, he didn't have a brain with a killer instinct and IDGAF attitude. He had his brain, which gets him overthinking and into some slumps.

A player's career and success is depends a lot on the brain, not the just the body. So you can say Lamar had the PHYSICAL potential to be great. Just like Darius Miles, T-Mac, Vince Carter, Greg Oden, Anthony Randolph, etc. etc. etc. had the PHYSICAL potential to be great.

They didn't have the MENTAL potential to be great though. They just weren't wired to work overtime everyday, rip out the hearts of the opponent, prove everyone wrong, etc.

With that said, Lamar still had/has a very good career.
Originally Posted by MJsaver

Psk unless you're over 50 years old ain't know way in hell you've been watching hoops that much longer than me.

Trust I'm not a dude who attacks every opinion I disagree with, I usually take the agree to disagree stance.

Fam, you're way of base saying Odom and Durant "should" have the same game. What're u basing that opinion on other than their height similarity? Durant is closer to Dirk and Odom is closer to Boris Diaw, these 2 dudes play nothing alike. And it has nothing to do with Odoms work ethic which is what u said. Odom could work his whole life and probly wouldn't have the stroke that Durant has, which is the foundation of Durants game.

Call Odom the all time NBA underachiever, I'm cool with that. But to say him and Durant should have the same game is ridiculous..opinion or not.
Boris Diaw?! Comparable to Odom?!
 Uh ok...I will agree that we disagree...completely...

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