Leaving America for Overseas

So seriously there's no one else with stories about work overseas other than the military? I've been thinking about dropping out of college and leaving
the states as well but I have no idea what I'd do over there for bread. One thing I do know is that the military is absolutely out of the question for me.
Originally Posted by CJ863

So seriously there's no one else with stories about work overseas other than the military? I've been thinking about dropping out of college and leaving
the states as well but I have no idea what I'd do over there for bread. One thing I do know is that the military is absolutely out of the question for me.
Yeah I def wouldnt do the military either.  Try googling some Expat sites, thats what I did when I was trying to move to Ghana
Ive known people who have taught english overseas and one of my best friends does internet marketing in Thailand. You could definitely make a living overseas but if youre really trying to make lots of money then you will need to go to school.
I also know a if youre a surfer you can work at surf shops or surf schools. Also scuba divers do the same thing.
Do yall know about music publishing? Im still trying to get my papers right for some sort of.writing contract musically ima genius but my fault is applying this to what I need to do
Originally Posted by CJ863

So seriously there's no one else with stories about work overseas other than the military? I've been thinking about dropping out of college and leaving
the states as well but I have no idea what I'd do over there for bread. One thing I do know is that the military is absolutely out of the question for me.
If you want to make a decent living overseas, the best thing you can do is earn a degree from a good school in America.

The next best thing is to learn the language of the country you want to work in.
Originally Posted by koolbarbone

Originally Posted by CJ863

So seriously there's no one else with stories about work overseas other than the military? I've been thinking about dropping out of college and leaving
the states as well but I have no idea what I'd do over there for bread. One thing I do know is that the military is absolutely out of the question for me.
If you want to make a decent living overseas, the best thing you can do is earn a degree from a good school in America.

The next best thing is to learn the language of the country you want to work in.
I am currently living abroad teaching English in Korea.  Life is good.
Originally Posted by Fox5Kobe

Originally Posted by papageorgeo510

If you're going to move out of US, you want to move somewhere below the equator. Trust me.

can you guys give examples? i havent' slept in days!
Why not hit up Australia or New Zealand. Are you still working? Many of us down here (I'm from NZ) get their education and then save up for a bit before going on their OE and either holiday it up with the money they've saved or they do a working holiday and work their way typically through Europe and the UK.

You could do the same with places down here in the Southern Hemisphere. I can vouch for NZ and Aussie, we're pretty laid back and friendly. Great places to meet people and see/experience different things.

PS we need construction workers here in Christchurch. Especially in the next six months or so when the city rebuild gets going. I know it's not music but it might be something you enjoy.

Actually, anybody in construction industry and wanting a change of scene should keep their eyes and ears open with anything about Christchurch. The opportunities are pretty massive here at the moment. The central city is literally a blank canvas.
Where can a guy go to search for jobs overseas? I speak French btw, i would highly consider some places in the Caribbean, even Haiti, or some African countries (Ghana and Kenya are english speaking, Cote d'Ivoire and Senegal are french speaking) but I would need to have some sort of work locked on.
As time goes on, moving overseas sounds better and better to me. Need to cop my family passports though--been slacking on that for a minute.
Dude, speak to a recruitor and sign a short term commitment to the Military. If you find it isn't for you, ETS out and you have a skill, schooling, health care, probably made some good contacts to come back into the same type of job with much higher pay as a contractor or civilian; I think it'd be great for you. As far as overseas, my last roommate was in and was Air Traffic Controller makes serious bank after he got out and he got offers from airports all over the world.
Think before you make your move. Moving to another country to start a new life to make a living could be the dumbest thing you possibly do in your life...or it could be the best thing to happen to you.
2 years ago after I graduated, I was going to move to Korea and teach English. I was sending resumes to recruiters, agencies, and schools and even having phone interviews. All I had to do was send back the forms and a few documents and I would be given a place to work and stay for housing. I was excited about the whole opportunity and I even renewed my passport! But after some careful thinking, this is one of those jobs where if you don't leave after a year or two, you're going to get too comfortable and end up staying there for a very long time. So I ended up not going and staying in New York with all my friends and family.
After I decided to stay, I was taking pre-reqs in college for about a year and worked in pharmaceuticals since last summer (still working there and saving up as much as possible for school) and I'm about to start nursing school in the fall. I'm going to quit my job and concentrate on school so I can get into a grad school for nursing.

You need a plan and stay focused. If you feel moving to another country will help you out...then do it. But I really don't see the point...if you're struggling here to find work, how are you going to make a good living somewhere else? It seems like you're depressed with your current situation and you just need to get it together. If you want a new start, you might as well move to another state. Go to one of those states with a developing city/industry that pays $20/hr for Mcdonalds workers or 6 figure salary working in the oil rigs.
Unless you have a few check on your criminal record i don't understand why you want to leave this country ?
Come over here to Canada,the quality of life in most of the major cities is great and there are plenty of opportunities.
work ethic brawseffph.  If you got it, you'll do fine.  People always say that because they dont have a degree they cant do anything.  Definitely not true.  If you want it, you get it.  It's going to be hard but keep going.  Trust me, there's other routes to take instead of dropping it all and "starting new".  Figure yourself out and stay firm with your choices.

Originally Posted by jehims

Think before you make your move. Moving to another country to start a new life to make a living could be the dumbest thing you possibly do in your life...or it could be the best thing to happen to you.
2 years ago after I graduated, I was going to move to Korea and teach English. I was sending resumes to recruiters, agencies, and schools and even having phone interviews. All I had to do was send back the forms and a few documents and I would be given a place to work and stay for housing. I was excited about the whole opportunity and I even renewed my passport! But after some careful thinking, this is one of those jobs where if you don't leave after a year or two, you're going to get too comfortable and end up staying there for a very long time. So I ended up not going and staying in New York with all my friends and family.
After I decided to stay, I was taking pre-reqs in college for about a year and worked in pharmaceuticals since last summer (still working there and saving up as much as possible for school) and I'm about to start nursing school in the fall. I'm going to quit my job and concentrate on school so I can get into a grad school for nursing.

You need a plan and stay focused. If you feel moving to another country will help you out...then do it. But I really don't see the point...if you're struggling here to find work, how are you going to make a good living somewhere else? It seems like you're depressed with your current situation and you just need to get it together. If you want a new start, you might as well move to another state. Go to one of those states with a developing city/industry that pays $20/hr for Mcdonalds workers or 6 figure salary working in the oil rigs.

informative. thanks
Apply for a 1-3 year work visa in U.K., or Australia (wages in AUS start at $16/hr a little bit less for U.K.. Save money or pay off debts, TRAVEL, live life, be happy.
If you know other languages; Francais, Espagnol, just move to where ever the language is spoken (plenty of exotic places for each), teach English, help with community/Govt. development, network, travel, live on the cheap.

Some American expats are retiring to Argentina on less than $20k a year (just 1 example). Free healthcare, education, cost of living is extremely low, and the women.

The most valuable things you can take abroad are either an American education/degree or a learned trade.

From what I've seen and heard and experienced, American culture is just fn silly. 10 years from now I'll hate to see where we'll be.

It isn't rocket science, you just have to do it.
Originally Posted by jehims

Think before you make your move. Moving to another country to start a new life to make a living could be the dumbest thing you possibly do in your life...or it could be the best thing to happen to you.
2 years ago after I graduated, I was going to move to Korea and teach English. I was sending resumes to recruiters, agencies, and schools and even having phone interviews. All I had to do was send back the forms and a few documents and I would be given a place to work and stay for housing. I was excited about the whole opportunity and I even renewed my passport! But after some careful thinking, this is one of those jobs where if you don't leave after a year or two, you're going to get too comfortable and end up staying there for a very long time.
I actually did come to Korea to work (here currently now) and Yes Jehims was right, you do get comfortable, my plan was 1 year.. head to Japan for 1 year... go back home.
Im on my 2nd year in Korea now...and honestly if it wasnt for my pops being sick, i'd probably stay a little longer.
I mean Im saving over 1000 bucks a month... Free housing.. I work less than 25 hours a week (but actually at my job for 40, just teaching 25)   Most living expenses here are cheap.
I mean coming overseas to work is a good start up for you.. I visited home twice (3k) I spend about 1k a month on whatever I want. and still  going to come home with over 20k in the bank in August.

I mean If you don't have anything holding you back in America come overseas to work.. Australia UK and New Zealand, don't be fooled, there no jobs there to be real, and the ones your able to get you probably won't save as much.

You need to be looking at Korea, China, Japan, Saudia Arabia.   You usually need a bachelors degree but there are some programs (google TaLK program) where you can have your associates.  www   .    daveseslcafe.com check there out on the job board..
I don't regret leaving home even with all that was going on currently (i had a job, was about to get with a girl).... But this was for the better. and once u have the experience of being out here  it just builds on top of that resume.  
And you have more than enough free time to do your music thing or find stuff out here to do.

Good luck with whatever you decide
so does anybody have a way to look for jobs overseas?  I was looking at black french speaking countries ie: Haiti, Cote D'Ivoire, Senegal, im not opposed to Canada either though...i need to finish my degree 1st
Originally Posted by Fox5Kobe

I want to get into the music industry I'll do anything to begin. I have no idea where to start.

So move to NY or seattle or nashville or a big music city. Dont see why you want/need to move to a completely different country
always baffles me when a person wants to do something but has no idea on how to go about it...

do some research and make contacts w/ the right people
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