Lebron doesnt know how to win..

Oct 24, 2010
Reggie Miller questioned him for reaching out to Hall of Fame players last summer, including Hakeem Olajuwon (who helped James with his post game), Magic Johnson and Isiah Thomas.

“This is one of the most physically gifted guys in our league,

Everyone just needs to stop and let this man cook. We will find out if he wins a chip or not, but it'll be done (or not) on the court.
A player who never won anything judging another player who hasnt won anything. Fantastic thread.
Originally Posted by MaxElite

A player who never won anything judging another player who hasnt won anything. Fantastic thread.
I love Reggie, he's a childhood hero of mine but................. 
Originally Posted by MaxElite

A player who never won anything judging another player who hasnt won anything. Fantastic thread.

True, but in Reggie's defense... he didn't go out and teamed up with Patrick Ewing or Jordan after his 6th season.
Who cares about the level of physical gifts, it's smart to utilize all your available resources and make winning come "easier" if possible.
Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

Originally Posted by MaxElite

A player who never won anything judging another player who hasnt won anything. Fantastic thread.

True, but in Reggie's defense... he didn't go out and teamed up with Patrick Ewing or Jordan after his 6th season.

What does that have to do with anything?

Reggie isnt criticizing "the Decision." Hes criticizing Lebron for seeking advice from people who have won.

Just another reason for people to pile on, or make nonsense threads.
Asking for advice on how to improve as a person/player is a bad move??.....

only reason lebron reached out is because Kobe did first , if he's anything it's a pretentious follower . guarantee u if he wins a ring this year he cries with the trophy like jordan did
Didnt Kobe and Dirk also go visit Hakeem though?

Yes. And got slurped for it.
I was listening when Reggie said that. It's just as dumb in print as it was on the air.

I thought the narrative on LeBron was that he doesn't care about basketball and he's more interested in his celebrity status/money. At least be consistent. Can't have it both ways.
If Lebron did the opposite, people could still criticize him. "He's so egotistical he can't even ask for advice"

People said he needed to work on his post-game. So he went to Hakeem and worked on it. I'm sorry.. what's the problem?

And please.. let's not pretend asking some advice from Hall of Famers is going to magically give Lebron the answers to winning.
Reaching out to people that were great can only be beneficial...I don't get why this is criticized? If you want to be good in real estate, wouldn't talking to Donald Trump be a good idea? What if you were developing a gadget of some sort, wouldn't talking to Steve Jobs when he was alive be helpful in understanding what it takes? I know these are extreme examples but Bron hasn't won anything so why not talk to some of the greats and see what type of advice they can give him. Either way he still has to do it on his own, its not like they are going to be playing for him
 at Reggie criticizing LeBron but not Kobe, who sought help from Michael early on in his career and more recently, Hakeem. While we're at it, we might as well criticize Dwight for getting advice from Ewing, Bynum for getting advice from Kareem, so on and so forth...
Seriously, I never expected Reggie to be this naive. Since when has having a desire/hunger for improving become a bad thing?

..and I'm a Lakers fan.
Originally Posted by trak1sh

Reaching out to people that were great can only be beneficial...I don't get why this is criticized?

how much help does he possibly need? its getting old. he teamed up with Wade and Bosh, and now he needs even more help?

pathetic. theres a reason Lebron declined to comment.
Originally Posted by Zyzz

Originally Posted by trak1sh

Reaching out to people that were great can only be beneficial...I don't get why this is criticized?

how much help does he possibly need? its getting old. he teamed up with Wade and Bosh, and now he needs even more help?

pathetic. theres a reason Lebron declined to comment.
Yeah, the reason is it would've been a PR nightmare.
One thing I have noticed about LeBron, he seems to always attack the weakest player. I see him dunking on the smallest guards or the worst defender, then celebrate like he's the greatest. He talks $$%@ and gets tough with the small guys but won't step to someone his size or equally talented.
Lebron shouldn't comment because its a non-story. He comments, then Reggie responds, and it becomes a bigger "issue". If he responded than his critics would say "he should be focusing on the playoffs, not Reggie Miller"
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