legit check 1994 wc 3s

Those look fake

First off, look at the tongue. I've never seen a tongue that bad. Its very rippled at the top. The jumpman, looks too small, and his legs are too spread apart.

The nike air is the wrong font. specifcally the AIR is too fat. basically a dead giveaway.

Under the plastic lace loops, that area should be perforated, and pronounced enough to be able to see it in a picture.

The cut of certain areas is really bad too.

The material just strikes me as being very cheap and stiff looking. These had amazingly soft leather. I have a pair and they're even softer than the 2003.

The seller is also unwilling to take more pictures, saying:  "These are the only pictures I have"

I have taken the liberty of highlighting the problem areas:


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