Legit check Bred 11

??? obviously that's fake carbon fiber you must of missed my point. its plastic..and thats what a stretched out 23 looks like on the left side... how can something be fake and in the same sentence have the word "authentic" in it.  so for you to say that unauthorized authentics are fake.. well check this video out maybe you can actually educate yourself as well ..As for high quality fakes im going to make an educational video so you guys can see what the inside of an "unauthorized vs a authorized" pair looks like on the inside..i will compare all materials.

by the way fake factories use the same product diagram with different material.

Mrdango.. you really just wasted your time writing that. got anything educational to post? besides acknowledging my response.
amazing you are going to bash me here after writing the most asinine post i'v ever read. amazing how I don't buy fake stuff. Of coarse I'm going to say something when you bash the guys on nt who give their time to help people.
Don't even waste y'all's time on him fam.We all are aware of how important this sure first off is,and most importantly the vets in here who do an amazing jop.Rep for the vets man,Upvote just because they even responded to this clown.And real talk if it wasn't for Timmy or CashMoney and a few other brothas I woulda got hit for 600 plus dollars months ago.Ever since then been getting authentic pairs no matter where I choose to shop nd get them.Got snakes out there ripping ppl off.Wouldnt be surprised if this clown is just mad cuz his fake jordan hustle is on the decline lol ! Love the fact more nd more ppl are becoming aware so that these pieces of crap can't keep taking people money by the 100's.
Don't even waste y'all's time on him fam.We all are aware of how important this sure first off is,and most importantly the vets in here who do an amazing jop.Rep for the vets man,Upvote just because they even responded to this clown.And real talk if it wasn't for Timmy or CashMoney and a few other brothas I woulda got hit for 600 plus dollars months ago.Ever since then been getting authentic pairs no matter where I choose to shop nd get them.Got snakes out there ripping ppl off.Wouldnt be surprised if this clown is just mad cuz his fake jordan hustle is on the decline lol ! Love the fact more nd more ppl are becoming aware so that these pieces of crap can't keep taking people money by the 100's.
lol of course you would get butt hurt about what i said. Get familiar with the terminology. Keep co -signing it aint gonna get you anywhere instead of following the pack go do your research stop being lazy and relying on others to do your work. being a certified expert and just having experience are 2 different things. One can actually account for and recognize their own product while the other just take an estimated opinion on what is or isnt. But overall it just tells me how much of a peanut brain you got lol. i dont sell shoes but Good luck getting that raffle ticket.... and just to make one thing clear i wasnt bashing anyone.. i was merely expressing my opinion on how the word "fake" is often abused upon a shoe that shows insignificant defect/defects and can automatically be categorized as a fake.
??? obviously that's fake carbon fiber you must of missed my point. its plastic..and thats what a stretched out 23 looks like on the left side... how can something be fake and in the same sentence have the word "authentic" in it.  so for you to say that unauthorized authentics are fake.. well check this video out maybe you can actually educate yourself as well ..As for high quality fakes im going to make an educational video so you guys can see what the inside of an "unauthorized vs a authorized" pair looks like on the inside..i will compare all materials.

by the way fake factories use the same product diagram with different material.

Mrdango.. you really just wasted your time writing that. got anything educational to post? besides acknowledging my response.
My man help me help you..You have absolutely no idea how wrong you are here and watching random videos about other people's "opinions" are not really gonna help. I have supplied you with all of the reference you need to make an educated decision for yourself. Based on factual evidence not opinion..With videos from WELL respected individuals and Nike alum. It's obvious you didn't watch it...Look man I've been in this game probably longer than you or the dude from that video have been alive..By English definition the term "unauthorized authentic" is an oxymoron..It's like saying I'm so cold I'm hot, or I'm dry wet... it's foolishness..It's spin..It's a term that was coined a few years ago to make people feel comfortable about spending $200 on these newer HQ fakes..Plain and simple..It's like a casino saying we promote "gaming" not gambling.. Tell me why these UAs didn't exist until about 08'-09'? Coincidentally about the same time when kids started paying through the nose for pairs of Jordans (Mostly younger kids uneducated on sneakers and $ to burn and older dudes who think the fakes still look like the fakes from years past with the plastic CF)..
A true unauthorized shoe would be a sample or ones that fell over the fence at the factory..There will be FEW of these..Not millions..

I don't understand why you guys have such a hard time thinking outside the box on this topic? Back to the fake Rolexs..A true Rolex is a masterpiece of engineering inside and out.This is why they cost as much as they do. Expensive materials, expensive craftsmanship..Now you have your $100 street corner fake Rolexs that are very bad( like the older bad fake kicks).They tick, they are light, they are total cheap replicas...There are also HQ fake Rolexs out there..They will run you a thousand+ or a little more (this would be your "unauthorized" Rolex).. It rolls, it's heavy, looks comparable, has paperwork, box, serial numbers etc. But it's still a knockoff made in some Chinese factory.. It's not a true Rolex. It may look and feel the same, but it's no where close technically speaking..These UA shoes are no different..They are produced and marketed to deceive the average uneducated consumer out of their $ and anyone who doesn't care enough to want the authentic products..

In conclusion we both know you are going to believe what you wish, I do hope you will take a look at what you have been given.
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