Legit Check Carmine 6 (Curlyfries)

Looks fake to me. Incorrect shape, sloppy stitching, poor embroidery on jumpman on the back the font on "AIR" looks incorrect.
If u got them from behind the swap meet, then these are uber legit.

Wow you been buying fakes since the 8th grade
Lol, dude of course i buy fakes when I was in the eighth grade. No eighth graders gonna go up to you and be like "those are fakes bro," they're too dumb for that ****.

But honestly what happen was I wanted the cdp carmine 6s because my best bud was able to get them,so i went looking for a pair on eBay. Paid $320 for it and realize they were fake a year. First time experience with fakes here, but unfortunately wasn't the last....that's why i bought three pairs of carmines last year, gotta get rid of that bitter taste from 8th grade.
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