Legit check on 01 bred 1's

Nov 20, 2013
Just curious on this tag I have the shoes in hand and they are premium quality the leather is great and there is nothing on the actual shoe that makes it fake except the production number.

Mine is 1985 of 2003 which ive never seen before so just want to make sure as someone may know more about these production tags than I do.

Thanks in advance.
The best way to tell if they are real is by posting a picture of the actual shoe but I can almost guarentee that they are fake. Most fake 01s I've seen either have this tag or one thr says 0000 of 5000. But post pictures of the side, back, and front and it would me much easier.
Agreed its best if you post more pics of the shoes so we can see the actual shoes and give a more definite answer.
Yeah, fakes ...first pic is all you really need.

No authentic pair of Air Jordans has ever had "1985 of 2003"
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