Legit Check/Price Check/Wearability question - Jordan 4 1999

Jun 3, 2014
Hey guys, 

I was on the hunt for OG jordan 4 breds, but came up short with a shady seller... Anyway, found a 1999 pair, they look legit, but want to make sure. Also, seller is asking $600cdn which is roughly $500usd... I think it's a good deal, your thoughts? 

Last question, wearability, do I have any chance in hell wearing these without them crumbling? They are DS and i've been reading that if the are DS they will eventually crumble...thoughts?

Thanks guys.
Avg DS is $450-$500..They are 100% unwearable though. You would be lucky to get 3 wears outta them..They are collectors stock at this point.
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