let this thread die (NYK)


This? You want THIS Bron?? .... yeaint even know what you asking for.
I think The Heat go full heel/villain by doing something a lot of the media and fans will look down upon.  The Heat will shrug it off and act like it is no big deal a la "blame it on LeBron."
Heat really aren't going to do anything different on defense, it's just blitzing PNR's rolls with Anthony/Haslem/Bosh..and they do it to just about everybody (and do it well). Lin just needs to be strong with the ball and decisive to beat rotations.
Originally Posted by Truballa101

was just watchin Around the Horn on ESPN.

Each of the four panelists had the Heat winning by 20...
Knicks are a .500 team still figuring things out and Miami is a top East team playing at a high level with chemistry.
Lets be real, a blowout is a high possibility and it would still not mean much. This is not a divisional game, the Knicks are still 3 games back of the Sixers and that's the only thing that matters at the mid-way point of the season, not "props" for beating Miami.

People are putting too much into a meaningless regular season game....it'll be entertaining but this is not the NFL, its just one game.

Knicks better not turn the ball over as they have been carelessly because those are an automatic 2 points for Miami in a blink of an eye
Heat are playing mind games. They know Lin is still young and not accustomed to playing against some of the elite teams in the league, so they figure they try to mentally intimidate him. The great thing is that the majority of this team is veterans that have experienced playing against guys like LeBron n Wade. As long as Lin stays involved in the game, his teammates will take the pressure off his shoulder by playing as a cohesive unit. The only teams that have beaten the Heat this season have done it playing team bball.

If the Bucks can beat the Heat TWICE, I don't see why this team can't win tonight. I'm not pulling a Ewing and guaranteeing a win, but I think if they play their game, Knicks have a good shot.
I don't expect the Knicks to win, but the Heat play terrible against teams with good PGs and settle for jumpers with a big man in the middle.

I saw Isaiah Thomas kill the Heat's PGs the other night. I expect Lin to play well with some turnovers. This game could go either way. The Heat could blow the Knicks out (which I don't think will happen) or the Knicks could win convincingly. The Knicks match up with the Heat better than any other team in the league in my opinion. They beat the Heat twice last year with good PG play and strong defense down the stretch.
Originally Posted by Proshares

Not that farfetched for the Heat to blow em out.

but i hope u guys win. it would give all the other teams hope

i dont think anyone will stop this heat team from winning the chip this year
The Kings got off to a huge lead against the Heat except they jack up jumpers like the pre-Lin Knicks, so they basically gave the lead away. Idk why people have no faith in this team and are practically predicting a blow out. The Warriors and Bucks both beat the Heat with an extremely small and young lineup. They lost to the Hawks which are garbage, with or without Joe Johnson. They lost to the Nuggets which are undersized and play the same type of basketball the Knicks are playing now. And they lost to the Magic about 2 weeks ago, which is a team that basically just jacks up 3s.

If the Knicks can hit 3s and still keep attacking the paint with Lin/Melo/Amare, then we're in good shape. The only way this team gets blown out is if everyone settles for jumpers and lets the Heat defense dictate their shot selection.
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

The Kings got off to a huge lead against the Heat except they jack up jumpers like the pre-Lin Knicks, so they basically gave the lead away. Idk why people have no faith in this team and are practically predicting a blow out. The Warriors and Bucks both beat the Heat with an extremely small and young lineup. They lost to the Hawks which are garbage, with or without Joe Johnson. They lost to the Nuggets which are undersized and play the same type of basketball the Knicks are playing now. And they lost to the Magic about 2 weeks ago, which is a team that basically just jacks up 3s.

If the Knicks can hit 3s and still keep attacking the paint with Lin/Melo/Amare, then we're in good shape. The only way this team gets blown out is if everyone settles for jumpers and lets the Heat defense dictate their shot selection.

Yup. Like I said, look at all the teams the Heat lose to. PG emphasized and big men in the middle. Sac should've won that game the other night.
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

The Kings got off to a huge lead against the Heat except they jack up jumpers like the pre-Lin Knicks, so they basically gave the lead away. Idk why people have no faith in this team and are practically predicting a blow out. The Warriors and Bucks both beat the Heat with an extremely small and young lineup. They lost to the Hawks which are garbage, with or without Joe Johnson. They lost to the Nuggets which are undersized and play the same type of basketball the Knicks are playing now. And they lost to the Magic about 2 weeks ago, which is a team that basically just jacks up 3s.

If the Knicks can hit 3s and still keep attacking the paint with Lin/Melo/Amare, then we're in good shape. The only way this team gets blown out is if everyone settles for jumpers and lets the Heat defense dictate their shot selection.
Yes, the Heat lost to teams that are not "as good" as us. But those are teams. We are still trying to gel.I can see us getting blown out and I can see us stealing one in MIA.
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