Let's talk about establishing dominance in a relationship.


Apr 23, 2008
So I'm watching Why did I get married too, and I'm noticing the football guy has a wife who's just really out of line. So it led me to thinking, is male dominance in a relationship important to you guys?

If so, why? If not, why?

From personal experiences, I haven't really had to make it a point to "put my foot down". But I've never had a girl who's tried to act as if they were queen of the universe.
male dominance
i had one like that....i had to lay hands on her for her to....reach an understanding

wasnt fun but it got the point across
When I was young, I used to get mad heated if my gf(s) didn't see my point and/or if I didn't have my way..I demanded #$@% & whatnot 

Talking to a couple of my exes about our past relationships, some have admitted that they were scared of me.. IMO, not a good look 

As an adult, I've come to learn that understanding & equality in a relationship is key to a fruitful one. 
Originally Posted by HOVKid

Just walk out of the kitchen and turn up the valume on the TV.

i dont got that option on my tv....where u get one of those at??
Originally Posted by iBlink

Originally Posted by Nawth21

male dominance

Give us your take on female dominance.

Only place for male dominance is in the bedroom

Aside from that
, BOTH parties should treat each other like adults and with respect. 
If your woman respects you, your "dominance" doesn't need to be established. Having a mutual respect is all thats needed as adults. You high schoolers are on some other stuff, though.
Originally Posted by juggy4805

If your woman respects you, your "dominance" doesn't need to be established. Having a mutual respect is all thats needed as adults.
It depends on what type of girl you with

white girls will prolly do what ever you want as long as your nice or so i have heard.

i tried this with spanish , and black girls , and almost got killed more than 1 time.
Originally Posted by juggy4805

If your woman respects you, your "dominance" doesn't need to be established. Having a mutual respect is all thats needed as adults. You high schoolers are on some other stuff, though.

Exactly, there is no need for dominance if respect is present.
I don't want be dominant over someone and I definitely don't want a dude to be dominant over me. A relationship in which there is a continuous power struggle doesn't sound appealing to me.
Males should always have the upper hand, but should never be overly dominant to the point the woman is scared.

Nawth =
Originally Posted by juggy4805

If your woman respects you, your "dominance" doesn't need to be established. Having a mutual respect is all thats needed as adults.
Originally Posted by RiverXBear

It depends on what type of girl you with

white girls will prolly do what ever you want as long as your nice or so i have heard.

i tried this with spanish , and black girls , and almost got killed more than 1 time.

QFT....I've dated 1 white girl in my whole life and they're all little weaklings (im white btw, eastern european with turkish ancestry so you could mistake for anything 
Spanish girls on the other hand love dominance from their men 
...gotta let em know whos papi 
Eh, it depends... the take on it. Sure we can establish male dominance in the sexuality of a relationship is acceptable but...

The whole "go in the kitchen and make me a sandwich" phrase didn't just come out of thin air, did it? I mean no Chauvinism here, however I'm beginning to lose faith into this whole "equal rights" BS that "women" ask of in a relationship. It seems "having respect" comes out maintaining some kind of presence in a female. That presence transpires into the whole level of attraction and what it is you desire out of your said "dream guy."

Otherwise, why bother acknowledging/accepting such a matter if he didn't "earn it" in the first place?
i havent read this thread but ima gonna say:

the person that cares less has more control
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