LIL Wayne dismisses BLM

Whenever someone brings up "black on black crime" there's no arguing with them. Those words immediately signify that they are idiots. There is no such thing as (race) on (race) crime, it is no more than an ignorant and likely racist deflection from real issues. People commit crimes in their proximity, obviously if a lot of people of the same race live close together the crime statistics will reflect that. There's no arguing with someone who fails or refuses to grasp common sense and basic understanding of crime and the factors that cause it.
Black on black crime is being addressed. Outreach and activist groups, extra curricular activities, education programs, skills programs etc. Its a work in progress but it's being worked on. What isn't helping is the constant deflection, if you really cared about black on black violence you would know it's being addressed and devote your time to some of those efforts. That said that part is in motion, are we allowed to multitask and address other injustices or is that just not cool with some of y'all? Oh we haven't solved inner city crime yet in one fell swoop and created a model that countries all over the world could use? Well ****, stop the presses and just accept everything else thrown your way until that's Gucci.
I never hear white people being called thugs either.

Black-on-black crime definitely isn't seen publicly as a result of some other root causes.

Just another result of unfair representation.

Well black people been calling themselves thugs since Trick Daddy in 00/01

I know what you mean but example is off
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But let me play along. I guess Tupac had Hug Life on his stomach and it was really Bone Frogs In Harmony :lol:

Why do you care about Isis and terrorist when we're killing each other :frown:
Timothy McVeigh was never called a terrorist, thug, or gangster either... hmmm :lol:

Them folks love their double standards
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