List your favorite books.

The Series Of Unfortunate Events.
& Franklin The Turtle.

I never understood the point in reading for entertainment... I only read for knowledge. I'd rather play a game or watch a movie for entertainment. Myfavorites are The Autobiography of Malcom X and Behold a P..... Yeeer... I've heard bad things about posting that title around online.
"I never understood the point in reading for entertainment... I only read for knowledge."

If you are reading a good book, you should be getting both.

i.e. Animal Farm

& books sometimes are able to convey things that Television and Movies could not possibly do
History of Love
The Alchemist
Native Son
The Portriat of Dorian Gray
Cat's Cradle
Song of Solomon

Non Fiction:
A Seperate Reality
The Tibetian Book of Living and Dying
DMT: The Spirit Molecule
The Mate
Bomb the Suburbs

Short Fiction collections:
Where I'm calling from
Life After God
The Metamorphosis and Other Stories
Walking the Rez Road
I Hope They Serve Beer In Tucker Max... Probably the funniest piece of literature I've ever read, dudes storytelling abilities can't bematched
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