May 22, 2008
This article was written June 24th 2009.

Hightlights of the article include:
Dear Blake,

Run. Just start running. Run for your life. Run like the star of a horror movie. Don't turn around. Run and keep running.I think you should play in Greece. Or Italy. Or Spain. Or anywhere else. You should play anywhere but for the Clippers.

See, this is where they are wrong. The odds are overwhelming that bad things will happen to you until you leave. And you will. The Clippers are cursed.

June 1988: After finally winning a lottery, the Clips happily take college star/sure thing Danny Manning with the first pick. The curse is over!!!!!! Then they trade Michael Cage and the No. 6 pick (Hersey Hawkins) for the No. 3 pick (Pittsburgh forward Charles Smith) and the rights to Gary Grant. If you're scoring at home, the Braves/Clippers have now taken seven forwards in the top nine picks since 1976: Dantley (6), Brooks (9), Chambers (
, Cummings (2), Williams (4), Manning (1) and Smith (3).

December 1988: Twenty-six games into his rookie season, Manning blows out an ACL. He's never the same. I'm telling you, Blake: Finish this column, then run. Just head north. Don't stop until you hit the Canadian border.

October 1989: With Ferry threatening to play in Italy, the Clippers are forced to deal him and Williams to Cleveland for Ron Harper (EWD notes that Ron Harper and Jordan used to go at it back in these days, was the best one on one matchup Jordan EVER had in his playing days) and No. 1 picks in 1990 and 1992. Hey, anytime you can turn the No. 2 and No. 4 overall picks into Ron Harper and two non-lottery picks, you have to do it. Why didn't they take Glen Rice again?

December 1989: Averaging 23.0 points through 28 games with the Clips, Harper blows out his ACL. We're now up to five blown ACLs, two blown Achilles, one ruptured disc, one potentially deadly heart arrhythmia and multiple Walton foot fractures in a 12-year span since Paul Snyder ticked off the Native American spirits. I'm just saying.

June 1995: Picking second in the loaded '95 draft, the Clips draft Antonio McDyess ahead of Jerry Stackhouse, Rasheed Wallace and (gulp) Kevin Garnett, then trade Dice's rights, Elmore Spencer and Woods to Denver for Rodney Rogers, Brian Williams and the No. 15 pick (Brent Barry) … or as I like to call it, "The Chef's Poop Salad." Nobody could turn a dollar into three quarters better than Elgin. Then again, had they rolled the dice with KG, he'd probably be missing appendages right now.

May 1998: The Clips finally win another lottery. One month later, Elgin passes up sure things Mike Bibby, Paul Pierce, Vince Carter and Raef LaFrentz (as well as Dirk Nowitzki and Antawn Jamison) to select the one, the only, Mr. Michael Olowakandi. Trust me, this was absolutely idiotic at the time. The Kandi Man was already 23 and starred at something called "University of the Pacific." Everyone hated this pick. Everyone. But asking Elgin to resist a troubled center with potential is like asking Ryan Reynolds to turn down a crappy script. You just can't do it. (EWD notes, what is it with the iconic ex NBA players as General managers and their horrible first round pics...Elgin with Kandi man, and Jordan with Kwame Brown?)

July 2004: Kobe teases the Clips into thinking they might sign him, prompting them to dump two valuable role players (Ely and Eddie House) for second-round picks to clear cap space. At the 11th hour, Kobe changes his mind and re-signs with the Lakers. The Supplanter strikes again. Hey, it's not like he won the title five years later. Um …
Remember that? Clippers were so geeked at the time.

Our final tally of post-1976 injuries to marquee Clippers players: five career-altering knee injuries (Livingston, Manning, Harper, Smith, Nixon), one career-ending ruptured disc (Johnson), one career-altering back surgery (Vaught), three season-ending torn Achilles (Brand, Archibald, Nixon), one heart arrithymia (Cummings) and multiple foot stress fractures (Walton). Every one of those guys was a top-three player on the team or headed that way.

Total number of post-1976 All-Star appearances by a Clipper or Brave: Seven.

Number of winning Clipper/Brave seasons since 1976: Two.

Number of post-1976 seasons with 30 wins or less: 19.

Number of post-1976 division titles: Zero.

Number of post-1976 last-place finishes: 15.

Number of retired numbers by the Braves/Clippers: Zero.

Overall record since 1976: 944-1730 (.353 winning percentage).


Dang Blake...history was really against you.
wow...i knew they had awful awful luck, but reading that is just sad. apparently being drafted by the clippers ends your career before it ever begins.

rip blake griffin's career
Originally Posted by KenJi714

It's a minor injury though. He'll be back
Yes indeed he will, it is guaranteed he'll be back as a matter of fact. Knee injuries are as non threatening asankle sprains.....NOT!!!!
I cant wait for Simmons follow-up article about this injury.

But seriously though, Clipper organization pisses me off sometimes and Im not even a fan.

I mean damn... Olowakandi? Freaken Olowakandi?
ive checked simmons twitter a couple times to get a reaction. no dice yet. Dude is pissed about his first book signing. I would be too.
before Blake Griffin, there was Antonio McDyess - same athleticism. we all know(especially Knicks fans) that McDyess was never the same...except Antonio hadsome previous knee problems with the same knee.

[/h1][h1]PRO BASKETBALL; McDyess's Knee Injury Buckles The Knicks[/h1][h6]By CHRIS BROUSSARD[/h6][h6]Published: Monday, October 14, 2002[/h6]

His rousing dunks and prodigious rebounding had created an optimism that not even the craziness of the Latrell Sprewell saga could diminish. The Knicks might be good after all, went the thinking, what with Antonio McDyess dominating the frontline like a czar.

But in yet another cruel twist for a suddenly forlorn franchise, one of those spectacular dunks and rebounds -- done in one motion -- has, in all likelihood, ended McDyess's season and the Knicks' chances of success after only three preseason games.

McDyess, the All-Star power forward the Knicks were expecting to lead them back into playoff contention, fractured his left kneecap during the final minutes of Saturday's 94-87 exhibition loss to the Phoenix Suns at Madison Square Garden. After a magnetic resonance imaging test revealed the fracture yesterday, doctors said McDyess would be out indefinitely.

''This is a devastating blow for Antonio, knowing how hard he has worked up to this point,'' said Scott Layden, the Knicks' president and general manager. ''Knick fans had only seen a glimmer of his superior skills, and knowing Antonio, we are confident he will overcome this setback.''

McDyess, who was injured on a putback dunk with 1 minute 55 seconds left in the game, will get a second opinion within the next week. Whether he will undergo surgery has yet to be decided, but Layden said it was likely. Either way, McDyess will be out for several months.

Layden said doctors assured him that McDyess's injury would not end his career. ''Our medical staff clearly feels this is not a career-threatening injury,'' Layden said. ''Antonio is a hard worker and he's passionate about playing and he'll work and he'll be back.''

This is the third injury the 6-foot-9, 245-pound McDyess has had to his left knee, and all have had some connection to the patella area. Exactly one year to the day before reinjuring himself Saturday, McDyess underwent surgery to repair a partly torn patellar tendon that he sustained while playing for the Denver Nuggets. The injury kept McDyess out of all but 10 games last season. His knee problems began on March 3, 2001, when he dislocated his left kneecap in a game and missed 11 of the final 12 games of the season.

It was the uncertainty about McDyess's health that led to Denver's willingness to trade him, and many Knicks fans were skeptical when the club traded for him. McDyess and the 25th draft pick, Frank Williams, were acquired for Marcus Camby, Mark Jackson and Maybyner Hilário, the Knicks' first lottery pick in 16 years, in a draft-night trade on June 26.

Layden said this injury had no connection to McDyess's previous ones.

''The injury is a different injury than the one he had the last time,'' Layden said. ''Last time it was a tendon injury. This time it's a fracture to a bone. This injury is separate from his prior injuries.''

Until Saturday's fall, the trade looked to favor the Knicks, especially when it was announced Thursday that hip surgery would keep Camby out of action for three months. On Friday, McDyess even stepped out of character and gloated, implying that Denver was foolish to have traded him.

If McDyess is out for the season, the Knicks will most likely receive a disabled player exception that will enable them to spend about $2.3 million on a free agent. But there is no one available who could come close to filling McDyess's shoes.

After a pain-free summer, McDyess played well in the preseason. With a blend of power and athleticism, he averaged 17.7 points and 13.0 rebounds in 29 minutes a game. He had posted 23 points and 15 rebounds against Phoenix before the injury. McDyess played 38 minutes Saturday, but Coach Don Chaney said he was not second-guessing himself about still having McDyess on the floor.

''We felt that Antonio McDyess had endured one week of two-a-days and worked exceptionally hard,'' Chaney said. ''He felt great, and I have no reservations about putting him in the game at that time.''

McDyess was not available for comment, but after Saturday's game -- when doctors thought his knee was merely hyperextended -- he said he could not endure another year of rehabilitation. Chaney described McDyess's mood yesterday as understandably downcast.

''He's still saddened and he wants to get back on the floor,'' Chaney said. ''He's totally disappointed and somewhat devastated. But he has great inner strength, and with his determination, he'll be back.''

But while McDyess is only 28, there will be questions about his ability to return as the player who averaged 20.8 points and 12.1 rebounds in the season before his first knee injury. McDyess, who has two years and $26 million left on his six-year, $67 million contract, has dominated because of his athleticism and leaping ability, traits that may be severely hampered by this injury.

For now, either Michael Doleac, Othella Harrington or Clarence Weatherspoon will assume McDyess's starting spot.

The situation concerning McDyess is just the latest in a series of distressing events that have plagued the Knicks recently. On Sept. 30, Sprewell arrived at media day with a broken right hand, stunning Knicks management and leading to a surgery that will cause him to miss the start of the season.

The front office, upset because Sprewell did not inform the team of the injury before training camp, fined him $250,000 and banned him from all practices and games until further notice. Sprewell, contending that he did not know how seriously he was hurt, appealed the fine, and last week he said the front office was trying to make him a scapegoat and that his relationship with it would never be the same.

The Knicks had another problem on media day when Kurt Thomas was arrested on charges of third-degree assault against his wife and endangering the welfare of the couple's child.

From a basketball standpoint, those problems pale in comparison to the loss of McDyess.

Photos: Antonio McDyess fractured his left kneecap and may miss the season. (Associated Press)(pg. D1); Antonio McDyess, the Knicks' new power forward, was averaging 17.7 points and 13 rebounds in the preseason. (Associated Press)(pg. D9)
Originally Posted by marath0n


But Griffin is way more athletic than McDyess was.
If you ever WATCHED McDyess play while he was at Alabama...not heard about, not saw a youtubeclip, but actually WATCHED him play, you would not be making that statement. McDyess used to have STUPID rise. The knee injury pretty much deaded that. NowGriffith is the better player by far, not even close if you compared them at their respective age.
Originally Posted by bijald0331

ive checked simmons twitter a couple times to get a reaction. no dice yet. Dude is pissed about his first book signing. I would be too.
Pissed why? Nobody showed up?
Originally Posted by pdoggy85

Originally Posted by bijald0331

ive checked simmons twitter a couple times to get a reaction. no dice yet. Dude is pissed about his first book signing. I would be too.
Pissed why? Nobody showed up?
Actually, it was the opposite. They didn't have enough books for everyone that came.
Y'all already know I'm superstitious, and there's no WAY I would sign with the Clips if had the chance.

If the Clippers were the ONLY team in the NBA that wanted to sign me, I'd do it.

If ANY other team wanted to sign me, even if it was for WAAAAAAAY less money than the Clippers were offering and the team was worst than the Clippers, I'ddo it.

Forgot about Loy Vaught. But yeah, Elton, Livingston, Kandi, Manning... I don't know HOW guys like B-Diddy can look at the history and think 'Yeah,that's where I need to play. I can turn that history around, turn this franchise into a winner.'


No you can't.

Originally Posted by TH0MAS CR0WN

reading all that makes you really feel kinda bad for the Clips =\ lol
I won't ever feel bad for the Clippers as long as Sterling is running them...
Plus he wrote this in his NBA preview last Friday.

Flicking channels earlier this week, I stumbled across a Clips preseason game and ended up watching the first half for my first taste of the Griffin Era. You know what? Blake Griffin is just good. It's one thing to talk about it, think about it, sketch out the fake lineups … but you can't really know until you watch a blue-chip rookie play with NBA guys for the first time. Even if it's the preseason. It's a series of tiny checkmarks on an unofficial mental list.
Does he look like he belongs? Do things come easy for him? Does he have the right level of confidence? Athletically, can you see that elite DNA at all times? Does he have an innate feel for the game? Could you see him becoming a star? Is he compelling to watch? Does he seem like a good guy? Does he know how to rotate on D? Does he help instinctively when his teammate gets beat? Does he look like an professional out there?

Griffin nailed every checkmark for me. All of them. He's just good. He's a pro. You know it when you see it. You would want to play with Blake Griffin.

Now …

I hate the lottery system because it puts good rookies on bad teams, then expects them to turn those teams around. Sometimes it happens; other times it doesn't. But those young players end up assuming an enormous amount of pressure during a point in their career where, actually, they'd be much better off blending in with a good team and easing along into whatever they end up being. Of the past 15 years of blue-chippers, only Duncan and Kobe were given this luxury. Griffin is the luckiest blue-chipper since them: not only does he play for a potential playoff team, but he doesn't have to fight with someone for minutes or carry the scoring load. He just has to worry about running the floor, rebounding and finishing. A cushy situation, to say the least. For once, it appears as if becoming a Clipper was the BEST thing that could have happened to someone.

(Note: Please don't e-mail this paragraph to me in three weeks if Blake is rolling around on the floor holding his right ankle. Thank you.)
Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

Originally Posted by marath0n


But Griffin is way more athletic than McDyess was.
If you ever WATCHED McDyess play while he was at Alabama...not heard about, not saw a youtube clip, but actually WATCHED him play, you would not be making that statement. McDyess used to have STUPID rise. The knee injury pretty much deaded that. Now Griffith is the better player by far, not even close if you compared them at their respective age.
"way more?" you don't even have to watch him at alabama, even through clips that's a misstatement. Griffin is a better ballhandler, stronger, and has a better feel for the game than McDyess at the same age, but in terms of athleticism, running and leaping, they are level.

both came out after soph years, and both let their game/physical talents speak for themselves. McDyess was the 2nd overall pick back then - Fast forward 15 yrsand put him in last years draft and he would have been #2 overall.
Forgot about Loy Vaught. But yeah, Elton, Livingston, Kandi, Manning... I don't know HOW guys like B-Diddy can look at the history and think 'Yeah, that's where I need to play. I can turn that history around, turn this franchise into a winner
loy vaught...i forgot about that guy...i really thinkbaron went to the clips so he can come back home to LA and hes trying to get in the entertainment business anyways

btw ska i know youre superstitious but if the clips drafted you...you wouldnt wanna play for them?...c'mon an nba team wants to draft you!...thatsbig...hell i dont care if memphis drafted me id sign that contract in a second...just a chance to be in the nba is a blessing itself...and yes id even play forthe warriors
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