LOST SEASON 6 -- 2 years later...is anyone else still mad?

one of the best shows of the past 10 years.
finale included.
come at me bros.

some of you tend to forget that there was a writers strike during one of the seasons(the 4th) so after what is EASILY one of the greatest season finales ever(season 3) they had to condense the story and the seasons went from 23 episodes to like 15 or something because of the ratings slide. So add 8 more episodes to seasons 4-6 and we might've gotten all the answers we wanted.
A show this ambitious with such a great ensemble cast had to cut whatever fat they had to cut, which meant walt and aaron didn't get any significant story time, the whispers got a 2 second explanation and etc. For a show that basically created it's own mythology and kept you guessing basically every episode it is the GOAT. My mark is not if the last episode of a show is great then i will hail it as a GOAT but if it kept me watching every single episode until the end...because guess what???THATS WHAT IT's SUPPOSED TO DO....THATS GREAT TV. remember advertisers were ACTUALLY buying ad time during the finale...does that tell you anything, because i have never heard that for any show except the superbowl

so HIMYM will be great if the finale is actually decent??? because im only watching that to see who the mom is, show fell off
so....FRIENDS and SEINFIELD had lackluster last episodes but they are GOATS and had me tuning in every week

the ONLY show where i feel the ending has to live up to billing is breaking bad and even if it doesn't it be a GOAT still and it seems like they know what they are doing

it's ok to have an opinion and not like the way the show ended, because i didn't...but do not deny great tv when you see it. have you ever tried to explain LOST to someone, the seasons are so diverse and the objective changes nearly episode to episode as well as season to season, i mean in one season they actually try to go back to the island in another they need to detonate a nuclear bomb....incredible when you thought you were just watching a bunch of peeps you thought needed to get off the island

just my 2 cents
Benjamin Linus :pimp:

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Ben Linus, is probably one of the greatest villains of all time
I respect that you guys are trying to defend Lost...I do. But that last season was insidious. The choices they made retroactively spoiled nearly every single episode and character in the entire series. It trivialized their existences and the necessity for most of them to even be a part of the story.

I remember trying to watch the series over again, and point blank, from episode one...who shows up? Smokey. And all I can think of is fLocke saying he chooses not to turn into smoke and fly in 2 minutes to where he needs to go, because he likes the feeling of walking. I see Charlie and think man, you got out just in time...except when they annoyingly had you pop up for no reason.

I see Sayid and think, damn...you were the original badass, fighting beyond fighting to get back to the woman you loved and lost. For what? Just to get her...lose her again...kick rocks on the island and get reunited with....the white girl you met and smashed for a couple weeks on the island? That's the testament of Sayid? Give them a reason to get sidetracked at "the temple that was kinda but not really invisible" and just go berserk for the rest of the season?

I see Claire and just roll my eyes. The only thing worse than if she had never shown up again after disappearing was crazy Claire showing up in season 6. At least that gif of fLocke smacking the taste out her mouth was worth it?

My issue with Lost was...yeah...it was ridiculous...the entire world and culture built around predicting what would happen. But had someone predicted what ended up happening, they would've been trolled off of any board. The answers we got were lackluster, ridiculous, poorly executed/written or purposefully incomplete and mysterious. It's a shame.

The exact same thing happened to Battlestar Galactica, but at least in their case, it wasn't until the last episode that they wrecked the show. They retroactively tainted 2 series-long elements, but you can salvage most of the show beyond that. It's just a much lesser show, because of it.

In Lost's case...that last season drained the life out of the show and poisoned the well on it's way out. There were maybe 10 or 15 characters and elements that mattered from day 1. Which ones came off unscathed? Jack got some redemption and actually became likeable to a lot of people who didn't like him. Juliette and Sawyer made sure to wrap their business up before the **** hit the fan. Sun and Jin weren't so lucky. You could make a case for Ben and Hurley...but then what? Jacob and Smokey were so badly handled and so foundational in all of the supernatural parts of the series that that kills the myth part of the series. Either that means nothing to you and you can just enjoy the parts that work for you or you have to ignore every part of the supernatural or mysterious in the entire show.

It's not characters going missing. It's not plot holes. It's not answers we didn't get. It's a promise, from the second Charlie said "Where are we?" that pulled you through every cliffhanger and purposefully ambiguous conversation, that doesn't get kept. That promise was, 'you are not being taken for a ride and this will be worth it.' No other show has every promised that. HIMYM promised that you'll love these characters and have some good laughs. The mom part is there, but that's sort of a permanent running gag, like why does Kenny keep coming back to life? (I know they stopped doing that) This is present in every single episode. It's like saying you can admire the generals and tactics the Confederacy used in the Civil War. If it's that easy for you to remove what they represent and how things turned out, more power to you. I can't. Desmond will forever be my dude, and Benjamin Linus is one of the greatest villains in television history, but so much goodwill was destroyed in that entire last season, that I can't look at the show the same. I can't stop and watch a rerun on G4 without getting salty at the last 18 episodes.
Locke is tricky to me. He got a bit much with the whole man of faith stuff and I can't help but consider fake Locke as a part of his character too and that was just the stupidest thing ever.

Just 20 episodes of troll-face and show-killing. :smh:
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Personally I really really did not like Locke.......
Kate and Juliette


Absolutely loved the show

Was let down by the end a little

Still loved every episode
i stopped watching around the part where they had ben locked up in the cell and locke was guarding him

any cliffs as to what happened after that til the end?
The only criticsim I agree with of the final epidsode season is the whole Syid thing, some scalliwag he banged once upon a time should not have been th one to make him remember an go into the light.

Other than that I'm all in on defending it.
You're too jaded MrONegative.

Nothing about the last season ruins, Ben. Desmond, or even Locke for me (I had high hopes but once it was official that fLocke was this other dude it was easy to separate the two just off how he acted). Claire was just some hot piece of pregnant *** that I loved and then she disappeared for the most part. Still love Juliette.

Sawyer got out fine. Hugo got out on top.

Don't care much for everybody else. So maybe I got out lucky outside of my boy Faraday dying too soon.

That ride from season 2 to 4 was worth it.

Benjamin Linus is GOAT imo. Love Locke but his death diminished him, he was great though.
i stopped watching around the part where they had ben locked up in the cell and locke was guarding him
any cliffs as to what happened after that til the end?
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The disappointing thing about the last two seasons was that they had built up a number of mysteries and an alluring mythology, but the answers they provided seemed rushed or lazy. The show made it seem like there would be answers to certain things that would "click" when they were revealed.

For example, the explination to the Black Rock ending up in the middle of the island made sense and incorporated things we sort of knew... yet it wasn't a great reveal. I don't know what more I could've wanted from that answer, yet that's the feeling I was left with.

The time-travel season opened the door to explore the island's history and work in some awesome twists (I thought there would be at least one instance of a character being the reason for something that would happen to them in the future), yet it ended up just being really bland way of showing the DHARMA guys during their time on the island... something that wasn't all that important to the overall arc of the show.

The show was a journey for the characters and it did do a fantastic job for that angle. I just wished they wrapped up the island's mysteries and mythology with the same deft touch.
Loved Sawyer. The pregnant girl and Maggie Grace (one of the twins in the first couple seasons) were fire
You're too jaded MrONegative.

Maybe, but I can deal with a rerun of BSG or Angel, but I couldn't stand one of Lost's? It ain't supposed to be like that. :smh:

Claire was just some hot piece of pregnant *** that I loved and then she disappeared for the most part. Still love Juliette.

Sawyer got out fine. Hugo got out on top.

Don't care much for everybody else. So maybe I got out lucky outside of my boy Faraday dying too soon.

That ride from season 2 to 4 was worth it.

I don't disagree with any of that. Season 1 is absolute perfection and I took every leap of faith with season 5, happily. I just wish the show would've ended with the season 5 finale, if I knew we were gonna get a 20-hour suicide like that.
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The last season was crap. I dont care how many explanations I get the show was a huge letdown. F this show and the cop out creators. I watched the show religiously then season 6 came and I never watched another rerun or watched another episode. I left knowing I wasted six years for some stupid crap that still makes no sense. Same thing with Soprano ending sorry I want to see Tony get blown to bits.
Yay this thread popped up again.

It's been 2 years now since I've finished and I've been contemplating watching it again for some time now. I just wish I've never seen it before and could watch it for the first time again. Plus it takes a ton of effort to watch this show.

I'm becoming convinced that in my lifetime nothing will top this show. Obviously that's hard to say cause I'm only 21 but I have this feeling no matter how good a show is, even if I'm 60 years old, I'm going to say " it's great but it ain't no lost". And then my grand kids will say Lost is boring how can you watch that. And then I'll say get out....now.

I agree that Ben was the greatest villain ever. There is nobody on this earth that could have played the role better than Michael Emerson. And there has never been a villain that makes you switch from liking to hating more than Ben.

Ill never understand the hate for this show due to "stuff not being answered". The show is extremely complex and not every question can be answered or needs to be answered. Do the polar bears really matter in the grand scheme of things? No. A lot of you guys are ignoring the big picture in search of answers that don't matter. Not to mention there a **** ton of philosophy in this show. Some stuff doesn't even have an answer while other stuff is open to interpretation. That's what philosophy is.
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loved this show.

will remain one of the greatest for me

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for me, its not so much that i hated the finale, i just dont like fianles in general. you invest so much time and attention into it, then it ends and its never what you thought it would be

i do agree that season 6 was a disaster, but if the show ended any other way, people would still be unhappy. i took it for what it was - the end
I'll watch it again one day. I watched the first 2 seasons a few times before it ended. It just feels different now.
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